Monday, 22 April 2024

Van Gogh Experience, and York walkabout

After sitting in a deck chair and gazing at the walls around me for 30 minutes, (see previous post) it was time to move on. I could have sat there for longer, but I wanted to see a bit of York before I moved on to Wetherby. There is more to see of the Van Gogh exhibition, so I walked around the other galleries with the Cannon vlogging camera. Yoootooob tell me there are copyright issues with this video but it's ok to use it as permission has been granted. 
I didn't wander too far from the centre of York. I have seen a lot of it before, and I didn't want to be getting back to the car late. Here are a few piccies I took. Cliffords Tower is a popular place to visit. You can climb to the top for £8.50. I decided not to. 

I can't find out what this building is. It's very close to the Tower. 
And then I moved on to The Minster. A magnificent building. It is £18.50 to go in the Minster. I decided not to. 
Half of it is covered in scaffolding. 

This is The Treasurers House, close to the Minster. 
This is St Williams College. It was originally built to provide accommodation for priests. You can find out more about it here. 
I walked around part of the city walls. Some great views. A bit too cold to sit out in the garden today.
I wanted to go in the art gallery, but I was too late. It had just closed at 4pm. So I got the bus back to the car park. While I was there I had enough time to look around the massive shopping centre. They call it a Designer Outlet Village. It is full of posh shops. Not my thing at all. It must be popular though because I only saw one empty shop. 
Time to move on to Wetherby. I had an idea of where I might park up for the night, I have walked in that area before. I went to the Racecourse, hoping to park there so I would be ready for the Quilt Show the next day. It was locked up so I had a look at a car park I knew about. There is a free park at the Old Railway Station so that's where I went, and stayed there the night. 
I'll post some pics from a walkabout in Wetherby, tomorrow. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I believe the large building opposite Clifford Tower is York Castle Museum. I have visited the museum many times over the years from a very young age and found it very interesting. I understand a lot of old shop fronts were re-erected there to save them from being destroyed.

    1. Thank you for the additional information. Searching out links to add to posts sometimes takes ages. I have to cut a few corners or I would be sat at the computer all day.

  2. The building is the court.The Castle Museum is very good to visit,bit pricey though.

    1. Thank you for that. It seems that most attractions are a bit pricey in York. Museums need at least two hours or more to look around, and I didn't want to be tied up that long.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.