Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Waking up in Wetherby.

What does one do when waking up in the car? The same as any other morning, have a pee and make a coffee. I can now make a coffee while horizontal still in bed. 
Lean over and pull the supplies out from the boxes underneath the bed. 
Ahhhh, that's better. I might get up in a minute. 

The wrecker truck pulled into the car park at some point during the night. The headlights woke me up.
I lay for a while and thought about my plans for the day. Rather than go to the Quilt Show first, I decided to have a walk. It was such a nice morning. I sat outside the Town Hall watching the traders carrying their stock in to set up for the Arts and Craft Show. I will have a look at it when they are open. 
I like Wetherby. Here is the web site for the Town council. 
I came across this strange looking object. What's it for? I asked a woman who was watering the hanging baskets. It's a repair station for cyclists if they have a problem with their bikes. There are various tools which one can use to get the bike mobile after a breakdown. She didn't seem to think it was a good idea. This is the second one they have installed. The first one was vandalised, people stole the tools.

Here is a link to the company that makes them. 
Plenty of seating in a lovely garden on a sunny day. 
A church close to the shops in the centre. 
It had a banner on the wall. I saw several of these hung in other places. which prompted me to check out the web site. Have a look if you are interested. 
Off I went on a walkabout out of town. I wanted to check out the location of the Racecourse on foot, before I drove there. I found a tarmac path which was very popular with dog walkers. I was in a cheerful mood so anyone who I came across was a target for me to start a conversation. I dropped lucky and found a really nice man to talk to. I was intrigued by his accent. He has spent time in the USA and Germany, and was shortly to move back to Germany because his work has dried up here. We had a lot to talk about. 
It was getting on for lunchtime so I thought I had better get myself to the Racecourse. Two to three hours at the Quilt Exhibition was enough time to see everything. When I got there I walked around the building first. I always like to explore the area around a venue first before I go inside. 

It was a glorious day outside, I was reluctant to go inside. Some visitors but not too busy. It was probably a good idea to go later rather than early. 
Tomorrows blog post will be all about the amazing quilts I saw. A video and some photographs. Come back if you are interested.
Catch ya soon. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Debi from Leicester.Hello!!!.Loved your video as always.In fact I watched it last night as you popped up while I was browsing through you tube.Although I have been unable to comment,I have still been keeping up with your adventures every day!.It keeps me sane and loved your video explaining the basics of car camping!.Looking forward to seeing your video of the exhibition.Ive been sewing a couple of my patchwork quilts back together again where they were starting to come apart on the seams.....a bit like me at the moment!.Anyway onwards and upwards and I hope the sun shines for you today!.xx

    1. Hello Debi. Thank you for sticking with it. Sorry that the comments have been opening and closing without notice. Those that know me will understand why I do that. Sewing is a great way to relax.

  2. I love your car camping Ilona it inspired me to try it.i bought a car recently just had it serviced and am going to be off here there and every where this summer.i have a small tent if I have to camp also window coverings if I can get away with stealth parking lol.i do love to see where you go and your an amazing ladyxx

    1. I will keep you informed of where my adventures take me. Give it a go. Choose your overnight spots carefully. Have a look around, if it doesn't feel right move on. You could always book into a camp site, but I believe the prices have gradually been creeping up.

  3. I really enjoyed your car camping video and toilet talk is something that’s a regular topic when people ask about living on a boat.
    Campsites have pushed up their prices massively so stealth camping is your best bet to keep costs down.,

    1. Hi theboatgal. I think that people are becoming less adventurous, and need a guide book for every kind of activity.
      There does seem a lot of price increases for camping on a site. Ok for those who want to pay for it, but if you can become self sufficient there are plenty of places to park which are free.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.