Friday 24 May 2024

Checking out the new bank.

Ha ha, you've gotta laugh haven't you. This mornings entertainment was provided by those plonkers who's only way to get their message across is to do it anonymously. I am deleting loads of comments because I haven't time to play verbal table tennis with them.
Anyway, let's move on. I thought I had better go to town and check out the Barclays Hub. The website gives their opening times. Five days a week apparently, and closed for lunch 12.30 to 1pm. Well that's not too bad. They are not able to do cash transactions, that's ok with me because I use the Post Office for that. As I have to pay a large amount direct to a builder, I went to see how that works. It is very easy apparently. The man was very helpful and talked me through it. So now I do not feel completely abandoned.   
I had an hour free parking so I had a mooch around the town. There is a Home Bargains store so I picked up a few things that I can't get in Aldi. 

I see there is a new cut price shop opened. I haven't seen that before. Curiosity got the better of me and I spent five minutes checking to see what was on offer. There are shelves in the window display but once you get inside it is like a warehouse. Nearly everything is stacked on pallets. Wheeled straight from the lorry at the back and put in place on the shop floor with a pallet truck. I can see that this shop will be useful for those who are on a tight budget. 

I had to be quick because my one hour parking was nearly up. Just as I was about to leave this 25p shelf label jumped out at me. Oooh, what's that. Worth a try so I bought two packets. 

On the way home I called in Barnes Cash and Carry. Haven't been there for ages. I used to buy quite a lot from here. Funny how shopping habits change when you can slacken the purse strings. I bought two bags of ready cooked rice for £1. 

We are coming up to another Bank Holiday. Enjoy yourself whatever you do. I might stay local. Waiting for the builder to contact me. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. You had to be talked through making a direct payment. Good Lord - you really are a Luddite.

    1. And so it goes on. They come back time and time again. Call me what you like, but for goodness sake don't call me a sheep.

    2. I expect that a lot of people wish that they had been careful and cautious about how they transfer money. I am with you, Ilona.

    3. You are a sheep. You have fallen hook line and sinker for the people making money from stupid conspiracy theories. It is all part of a grand plan….nope it is not. If it gives you a sense of superiority that you have connected all the dots and can see the grand plan so be it but you have fallen for the biggest scam of all.

    4. Laura, I am not superior to anybody. At least I had enough sense not to join in with the experiment.

    5. What incredibly rude comments from 'Laura'.............

  2. Why do people have to be so rude? Everyone has to learn. Life is a learning curve. I only learnt how to do a bank transfer myself a few months ago. Obviously these know it all bright young things expect everyone to be like them. Thank goodness we're not!!

    1. It's how it is Linda. This is what the Government and Main Stream Media have done under the orders of the Globalist Cult. They have successfully brainwashed people knowing they would turn against each other. I see more of the same coming down the line.

    2. You are the one who has been brain washed. Have you read any of David Icke’s books? Of course you haven’t. And you publicize his tour! David Icke even denies the existence of COVID.

      What frustrates me is that you seem to really believe this. Believe that everything that happens is part of this grand plan

    3. Laura. I am becoming quite concerned about your health. Why are you frustrated about what I believe? You have an obsession with David Icke. No, I haven't read any of his books. I have no need to. I tell you what I did read, a report written by someone else, about his rather colourful love life. He was a proper jack the lad in his day. I can relate to that, I met many more like him in my trucking life. Laura, if you can't hack real life I suggest you take a long hard look at where you are at the moment, then devise a plan to where you want to be. For Gods sake make a life for yourself and stop pulling mine to bits.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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