Thursday, 23 May 2024

Healthy? Not really.

What the heck? This is the reason why I don't eat out. Someone posted this as a celebration meal. They were on a night out in a restaurant. I don't tell people not to eat meat, just because I don't, but this looks like the burnt offerings from a barbeque. How absolutely revolting, I feel sick just looking at it. Is this a meal for one, or a platter for two people to share? I don't know. 
If people choose to eat this way then they should take responsibility for their health 5, 10, 20, years down the line. Surely if someone continues to eat this kind of food long term it is going to have disastrous consequences on their expanding waistline.   
I'm not saying my diet is perfect, but if people could incorporate more vegetables into their meals, maybe their clothes would fit them better. Home made chick pea patties and salad. 

Avocado, raw button mushrooms, chopped fruit and salad leaves, with a yogurt dip. 
Steamed vegetables, can't get enough of them. 
More steamed vegetables. 
Mushroom omelette. 
Spinach can be added to everything. 
Salad leaves with pasta and cheese. 
I mix and match everything, experimenting with different flavours. I break the rules. Now I am hungry. Time for brunch. 
I am back in my winter clothes, it's cold here. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona 


  1. I would be more than happy to eat any of your meals. Seriously good food.

  2. While I agree, and I myself don't eat that way, I believe the picture is a platter for two people. It also may be that one of them didn't eat their half of it. is very unhealthy overall! I have two daughters: one eats very, very healthy. The other? With knowing "how" to eat healthy, would dig in to this dish happily.

    These daughters are adults. They have their own lives now with spouses and children. I let the latter daughter "be" and what she and the presumed couple eat in that pic above are also reaping the "cost."

    It's hard to see, for sure. But some use unhealthy choices to deal with emotional issues and some do not.

    This is a good post. Hoping your healthy choice pictures will encourage and thank you for posting them.

    1. Adults should not dictate to other adults what they should be eating. There is enough information out there to make informed choices. If someone wants to sacrifice their overall health by eating rubbish, that's up to them.

  3. Every meal looks great. I would like to know how you make the chicken pea patties please.

    1. Mash tinned chick peas, or beans, in a bowl with a fork. Add spices and herbs and a drop of oil. Beat an egg, add that to bind it together, form into balls, patties, or burgers with your hands, and grill both sides.

    2. I will try that tonight. Been a vegetarian almost all my life.

  4. I don't handle a lot of fibre well, so your meals wouldn't suit me. I also have a thyroid condition and my body operates best on a diet high in fat and protein which gives me energy. I'd be more concerned about what the meat was cooked in (seed oils are about the worst thing for your health) than the meat itself. Although I wouldn't eat the bread or onion rings as I cant tolerate gluten. Hubby and I shared a similar looking platter a few weeks ago. At the end of the day everyone should eat whatever makes them feel the best especially taking into consideration intolerance and health conditions. Your meals look very colourful though!

    1. Anyone thinking of changing their diet should take note of their health needs first.

  5. That "celebration " meal looks a nightmare to me - I don't like to eat out - plus I don't want someone touching my food - I don't have set meal times - Just eat when I need to x

    1. Do your own thing, flis. Create the food you like in your own kitchen.

  6. I love the look of your food. We eat in a similar way. Arilx

    1. I like food that hasn't been messed about. Some of my meals are from the fridge to the plate. No cooking required.

  7. Lot of your food looks too bland to me. I eat a lot of vegetables but prefer more flavour than mere steamed vegetables. I don’t think bananas go with raw mushroom and avocado.strawberries and avocado? No thank you

    1. My meals are my own creations and don't always suit the traditional eaters.

    2. No you miss my point, I am by no means a traditional eater but prefer something more exciting than steamed vegetables. I use a lot of spices and fresh herbs

    3. You could put spices and herbs on your steamed vegetables.

  8. I think your plates look much more appealing to me than the first. I think the older I get I seem to notice the less meat I am eating. Still a fan of eggs, cheese, sour cream etc.

    1. Eggs and cheese are great for adding flavour and texture to meals.

  9. Your meals look delicious, we are not vegetarian but have cut back on meat over the last couple of years. 🦘🦘

  10. Your meals look rather uninspired and old fashioned to me. All rather bland and traditional. Still, if I recall you hadn’t eaten a mango until a couple of years ago. Try spicing things up a bit. I recommend pomegranate seeds, pomegranate molasses, sumac, chopped fresh herbs, rocket, aubergine, miso paste, gochujang for a start - these will add some flavour to your rather bland vegetables. But then again your palate may well have adapted itself to the bland.

    1. I am old fashioned. I thank you for your advice but I don't need it. Maybe someone else will be grateful for your ideas.

    2. Each to their own. I have travelled widely and my diet is often inspired by all the places I have travelled - this my ingredient list is more varied than yours.

    3. Oh, so it's a case of one up-manship is it. I have travelled widely so therefore I know more about food than you do. Like a playground bust up, 'my ingredient list is is more varied than yours' Knock someone back so you feel better about yourself. I get it. Try writing your own foodie blog.

    4. Not knocking you bad, just stating the bleeding obvious. You have said yiur tastes are old fashioned. I was merely stating that my palate has been formed by the places I have lived and visited.

      I would recommend Going Gently as a blog to expand your food choices. He cooks lovely healthy, tasty and adventurous meals. Where as your food is somewhat uninspired and bland - but if that suits you, go for it.

    5. John's food suits him. My food suits me. Just stating the bleeding obvious.

    6. And by the way. John is overweight and not of good health. His choice. His responsibility.

    7. Well you are right dear lady but it’s still rude to say it !!!!!!!

    8. Your comment did surprise me

    9. I apologise, John. My comment was an afterthought, three minutes after the previous one. The only reason Anon troll brought you into it was to create tension between us. You should know by now that they get their kicks out of pulling people apart. My comment was in retaliation. I could have worded it better, or maybe I didn't need to say that at all.

    10. No hard feelings my friend Jane s an arse

    11. Thank you for understanding. Quick decisions have to be made when moderating comments. I despair what the world is coming to. You will have your work cut out when you start your new job. Your patience will play a big part in your successes.

  11. I get the impression that you view food as a fuel and not a pleasure.

    1. It has to be both. If it tastes awful I don't want to eat it. If it looks appealing I will try it and see if the taste matches up to my requirements. I need nourishment for my body. A balanced and simple diet is good. The food I make in my own kitchen is enjoyable to eat. I am never constipated, and never have diarrhoea. My ablutions are regular, one hour after I get up in the morning. That tells me that the food is passing through my body within an acceptable time frame. I am the same weight as I was 30 - 40 years ago.

  12. Everyone is entitled to choose their own food. Yes, you are right, we’d all be better off eating more vegetables and less meat.
    But I find the your manner rather condescending.

    1. You don't have to come here. By the way, I have grown a set of balls. A lot of crappy comments don't make it to the blog. They are binned as soon as they arrive.

    2. Mea Queen is never condescending. she is a truth seeker who has connected the dots and sees what is coming down the line. She is several steps ahead.

  13. I would rather eat your meals any day Ilona they look great and good for the body.ion a night out last week my son had this meat dish it was served on huge sharp spears looked very horrid and dangerous sharp for children if they were issue with myself is a picker of crisps and cheese squares which has made me overweight but I'm going to tackle it and not snack is bad habits I've picked up.The steam veg is yummy you cook very good for youxxx

    1. My downfall is crisps. I am at this moment eating Garlic Bread Flavour crinkle cut crisps. Found on the centre aisle at Aldi. They are very hard to resist. Perhaps you could try them. No perhaps not.

  14. Ilona I love how you put your words across I wouldn't have you any other way lol I would love to try the crisps I'll just taste a few then leave them alonexx

    1. I try very hard not to be rude about someone's appearance. After all nobody knows what is going on behind closed doors. Don't buy the bloody crisps. Oh, go on then, please yourself.

  15. I feel the same about that meat platter, it’s almost obscene. I could eat your selection of meals every day and be very happy :-)


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