Wednesday, 21 August 2024

A walk in the park before the Art Show

Sunday morning and the Art in the Pen show doesn't open until 10am. Time for another walk after my porridge breakfast. I hate just hanging around waiting for something to happen. 
I didn't take many photo's of the show. I didn't take many last year either. If you want to see more, take a look at this blog post from 2017.  
I took these photo's an hour before the event closed, so crowds were thinning out at that time. 

I had a chat with Andy Gilpin, the artist who painted these amazing pictures. I was overcome with emotion when I saw his work. I couldn't speak for long as there is something about an apes face that always brings me to tears. I see pain and suffering in their eyes. Studying them is like looking deep into their very soul. Andy gives a percentage of his sales to ape conservationist charities. 
From his web site.
My work is inspired by my growing fascination with these amazing apes, the privilege I have had seeing them in the wild during my travels in Borneo and Africa and a growing understanding of the huge challenges facing them. Challenges to survival that exist largely due to the footprints left on the world by people. In supporting the conservation of apes we also support the protection of extremely valuable ecosystems that help keep the planet healthy for us all.
After going around twice, viewing all the amazing talent on offer, I made my choice. I want one of these trees. But which one? Jackie makes something unique, something different. Her smiley hubby buys in all the materials needed and Jackie designs and makes them. She has an Instagram page with lots of photo's. Email her to find out where she is going to be exhibiting next. 
This is the one I chose. I love the autumn colours. 

Anyone who loves craft fairs might want to go to Skipton, The Auction Mart, and see the Christmas Show. Well worth it for £6. 
With my purchase made, it was time to go home. The roads were clear, I made it back in under two hours. It was a smashing weekend. Where to next.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 

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