Thursday, 22 August 2024

I'll think about it.

And now as if by magic, the picture is finished. 

All I have to do now is think about what I am going to make next. I have several ideas floating about in my head. Just need to find the right piece of fabric, the right thickness, and the right colour. Or should I make a needle felted picture in a hoop. Or should I do something with wool, got plenty of that. Crochet or knitting perhaps. Maybe some patchwork. Or paint something. 
Up and down the stairs, looking in cupboards and drawers, checking the storage boxes, looking for just the right materials. Maybe I'll just go for a walk. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Yes, crochet or knitting. I'd like to see what you choose to create that way.
    Your wire tree is lovely.

  2. I love the picture and I think the green leaves on the stems are the finishing touch!!! I don’t think you over think things at all….. I think you throughly think things through. Just like your picture, you have to have the complete story. If you were over thinking or obsessing on things you wouldn’t be able to put things aside and go for a walk or work in your garden. And you would definitely not get a good nights rest. Keep on getting to the bottom of things, finishing a picture, go on holidays mother!! Your mind and thought process have gotten you this far. Keep sharing!

    1. My mind can only rest when I have thought things through, and reached a conclusion. Making pieces fit together is very satisfying.

  3. This is so colourful and happy!
    Hilde in Germany

  4. This is a wonderful piece and I love the colours. I hope you’ve found a prominent place in your house to display it. You really should have another exhibition of your work.

    1. It is in my art corner in the living room at the moment, wrapped in plastic to keep it clean.


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