Friday, 23 August 2024

Wild horses at the park

It was a last minute decision to go to the park last night. After spending time thinking about what my next art project is going to be, I needed to get out of the house. 
I thought it was just going to be a walk in the woods and back. I was pleasantly surprised to find that some horsey sculptures had been sited in various place. I rarely go out without the camera these days. You just never know what you may find. 
It was late, so no maps available. It was a matter of walking around to find them. It added a bit of interest to the walk. Have a look at these. There was one full size horse, the rest were slightly smaller. 

This is the full size sculpture. It is sited next to the Rural Life Museum. 

Here is some information about the exhibition. Horse Sculpture Trail. There are more sited in other places, but I am not going to search for them all. 
The Horsing Around trail has been designed to celebrate the 300th birthday of world-renowned painter George Stubbs and his connection to the area.
Another pic of me reflected in the wibblywobbly mirror. Look, I am wearing my pyjamas. So comfy. 
I also saw a squirrel. 
It's crazy weather out there this morning. As windy as heck. I must do some shopping. 
Thanks for popping in. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.  ilona


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    1. Phishing is a form of social engineering and a scam where attackers deceive people into revealing sensitive information.

  2. Hello again Ilona ☺. (from she of the Barton wildlife car park 😂). I've just finished watching My Life in a Teacup vlog (you might like it) and wondered if you would be interested in this - she's soon to go travelling to Cornwall and mentioned something called Brit Stop Sites. Car parks were you can stay safely and for free ie pubs, farm shops etc. If you patronize their facilities etc. Any use?
    Yes, very windy here in Lincolnshire today. Take care out there 🐎🐎 xx

    1. Hello there Mrs. I haven't seen that vlog. There is such a lot to choose from now. Everyone is getting on the road to freedom. I don't like to plan in advance where I am going to park up. Except for the Auction Mart at Skipton, where I have been before. I wouldn't stop at a pub. I take my own food and don't want to eat in a pub. I would only stop in a car park if there were other car campers or motorhomes close by. Having a car with blacked out windows means I can pull up in any street if I thought it was safe, get in the back, and no one would know I am there. Thanks for the suggestions.

  3. Those horses are beautiful. The amount of time it has taken the artists to paint them. Just WOW!! Glad you are always ready with your camera there are surprises and things to see everyday if we take the time to just look. 😊😊

    1. Hello Tammy. I have since picked up a leaflet about the Sculpture Trail. It gives lots of information about the artists. I shall enjoy reading that.


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