Sunday 15 September 2024

Petrol Heads at The Humber Bridge

This advert popped up on my face-it-book page on Friday morning during my first coffee of the day bimble on 'tinternet. I hadn't any plans of how I was going to spend the day, this answered it for me. Leave home just after 4pm, drive to the bridge, park underneath it, and walk across to the other side of the river. 
I had heard about this show, but not been to it before. I believe it happens four times a year. At 5.30pm the time I arrived the car park was filling up fast. People had set off early and it was half full already. See that road going up behind the trees, that goes up to the steps for pedestrians and cyclists to get on the bridge. 
Difficult to know how many vehicles there were. A couple of hundred at least. I took photo's of the most eye catching to me.
This monster came on the back of a flatbed truck, although the owner said it is road legal. When they started it up at the end to load it onto the truck the racket it made, and the smoke billowing out of it, made me wonder if it had the ability to take off and fly back home. It is for sale if you are interested. 

This is a quirky little cab with a flatbed on the back. I am not familiar with some of the makes of these vehicles, but this I think is a Morris Minor. 
A 1937 Fiat, because it says so in the windscreen. 

Fancy a sporty job. Not for me, I don't like my arse dragging on the ground. Beautiful condition. 
I saw a gentleman studying something in the engine compartment of his beautifully restored Rover. He had the bonnet up and his hands were smeared with oil as he was fiddling with something. I asked him if there was a problem. He didn't seem interested in having a conversation so his reply was somewhat hesitant. When he realised that I was genuinely interested he opened up. 
It was a long story of how he came to buy this particular make of car. Briefly, he was a passenger in a friends car some years ago. The car came off the road in a remote area, it flipped onto the roof and he was trapped, very badly injured. His mate managed to get out and eventually flagged someone down, after several passers by refused to help saying they didn't have time. Someone did stop, and they managed to get him into the car. There was blood everywhere, he had a bad head injury. 
The stranger took him to hospital where he stayed for a month. He made it known that he wanted to pay for the cleaning of the vehicle. Luckily the driver had left an envelope at the hospital reception. He thought this may contain the drivers details. When it was time for him to leave the hospital they handed him the envelope. Inside was a piece of paper which said, Good Luck. Some time later he noticed a car for sale, the exact make and model of the one which had picked him up. He took this as an omen and bought it. The Good Samaritan had saved his life. 
Another quirky on. I like quirky. 
I asked the owner of this one if it had a hood. What does he do if it rains. He said, put a hat on. 😄
This is an Elswick Envoy. I know that because if you right click on a picture and choose 'search the web', it will throw up similar vehicles.
Old army vehicles are collectors items. 
I happened to bump into two friends from my village who were there by chance. They had been to Hull and came across some of these vehicles heading towards the bridge car park. Not being in a hurry they stopped to wander around. They asked me what car I would choose if I had unlimited money to spend. My choice, this gorgeous Mercedes. I love the way the owner has set up his table and chair and was enjoying his afternoon tea. 

Take a look at this. How cool. I have seen this set up before at other shows. 
Cute. Someones pride and joy. 

All sorts of vehicles on show. 
Years ago I nearly bought an ex army vehicle. I was hooked on going to Truck Shows and wanted something a bit eye catching. I had a look at some in a yard at Fradley near Lichfield. After some careful consideration I decided a petrol engine was not going to be a good idea. I looked at getting it changed to a diesel, but that sounded too complicated and too costly. So I abandoned that idea. I bought an old ambulance instead. 
This looks very much like a Ford Ranchero. 
I remember seeing Rovers like this one about when I was pottering around in my Bedford Viva Van. Rover was greatly admired as the cream of the crop. Only well off people could afford them. I got chatting to the owner. David from Selby has been coming to these rallies for a long time, but it is the first one he has been to with his own classic car. Fairly newish to him, he is chuffed to bits with it. We had a terrific conversation. I shall be looking out for him at the next one in 2025. 

And so, darkness was looming, time to walk back across that bridge. Heading up the steps I came across a family of five, and as I was in a good mood after an enjoyable evening, I struck up yet another conversation. We walked together to the first tower and stopped to admire the view. Then said goodbye as they turned round to go home. 
Looking back. My car is still where I parked underneath it thank goodness. 
You've seen the pictures, now watch the movie. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona
PS. I have saved photos of two cars because there is a story to tell about them. See you soon. 


 I'm glad I am me. 

I'm glad I am not somebody else. 

I'm glad that I like me. 

I am glad that I am my own best friend.

I'm glad that I am contented. 

I'm glad that I have mastered resilience. 

I'm glad that I am in a good place.

I'm glad that I stick by my principles.

I'm glad of the freedom I have. 

I'm glad for this moment in time.

ilona.   xxxxxx

Link to a motivational video. 

Self-reliance and independence. Strengthen your confidence and motivation by learning to trust your inner self and face life’s challenges head-on.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Last Saturday morning.

Good morning, it's Saturday again. The weeks are flying by, it will soon be Christmas. 😈 I recorded this video a week ago so it is a bit late appearing here. I went to Doddington Hall on the Friday, and wondered whether I should have another day out the following day. Well the temptation was too great, make the most of opportunities when they arrive. I went back to Lincoln for a Craft event at the Showground. 
I didn't take many photo's because similar ones have appeared on this blog previously. I like these types of events where you can meet arty crafty people who make the things they sell. I did a lot of talking that day. I sat outside on a picnic bench to eat my sandwich and people watch. A lady shared the same bench and we got chatting, like you do. 😁 It was a very enlightening conversation, for both of us I think. Her contribution was more of a personal nature. I can be a good listener if I keep my gob shut. 😉 I waffled on about my crazy life, as I do. I don't know if she has found this blog but I wish her well in whatever path she decides to take. 
Here are a couple of shots of the Exhibition Hall, Taken about an hour before they closed. The crowds were thinning out a bit by then. There was a cheese seller there so I bought four delicious truckle cheeses for £20. 

I will mention this lady. Harriet is the granddaughter of Carol, whose dog Billy I walk. Harriet looks just like her mother and her grandmother, she didn't want to pose for a photo. A bit shy possibly but she is a beautiful young lady inside and out. She is a shepherdess and makes gorgeous items from her own sheep wool. Take a look at her web site, The Wild Shepherdess. 

I'll wrap this post up here, because I need to catch up. I went out last night to an event on the North Bank of The Humber Bridge. Parked my car on the South Bank, walked over, and back again. And met some smashing people. Catch ya later when I have uploaded another video. Right now my stomach is shouting out, gimeee food. 
Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona

Friday 13 September 2024

Exclusive fashions.

If you possess a garment that is a little bit boring, and you don't enjoy wearing it, you could jazz it up a bit with some stitchery and some buttons. Let your imagination run wild. Add colour. 
This cardy was £1 from a charity shop. It's functional, made in a far away factory, and it's a bit bland. Needs something. Needs colour. I followed the lines in the pattern and added some colourful running stitches. I took the original matching buttons off and replaced them with colourful odd buttons. I also added extra bigger buttons for decoration. 

What next? I know, I need pockets. Old socks worn out on the heels, cut them off at the ankle, and there you go, pockets. Glittery bits added. Now what do I do with the other five pairs of socks? I'll think of something. 

I thought about extending the coloured stripes over the shoulders and putting them down the back as well, but that would be too predictable. I need circles. Some on the back and three on one arm. I might add some more later. 

I am now looking at my clothes in a different way. Not shoving them to the back of the wardrobe if I don't like them. What could I do to customise them? Maybe start my own fashion label. You never know, the trend might catch on. Friday the 13th, unlucky for some. But lucky for me because I have just found out there is a local event on tonight. I may be going for a walk. 

Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona

Thursday 12 September 2024

Blue skies today.

 I keep thinking I might go for an early walk, but always find something else to do first. I did make time today, but didn't get away until 1pm. When I start gathering things together to get ready, the cats appear looking for food. They had already had their breakfast, so now they want lunch. Mayze can't make up her mind where she wants to camp out for the day. On the table, under the table, or by the back door. I lay out three beds for her so she can decide. I put bowls of food out for them, and throw the bird food on the lawn. Then top the water bowls up. At last, ready.

Mostly blue skies, and white fluffy clouds. The dark clouds came over a few times but thankfully didn't chuck any rain down on me. I sing that Streisand song as I walk along, 'Don't rain on my parade'. And today it didn't.  

Two dead trees next to each other. 

Can you see me Mother. 

I think it's important to go out at least once a day, even if it isn't very far. This is a two hour, five mile walk. It was nearer three hours actually today, because I stop to gaze at the wonders of nature, and sit on a bench for 20 minutes. 
Hedgie is back again tonight. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Emmy speaks

Good morning. I am seeing deep divisions in Blogland. People are so far apart, they will never come together again. Spewing hate is almost a daily occurrence. People have their own opinions and are entitled to say them. Well they are for now, but the wheels are in motion to shut down everyone who is at odds with how politicians run their respective Governments. 

I browsed a few blogs last night just to get the general feel of what is going on, and quite frankly I am shocked at the no holds barred gung-ho venom tumbling out of peoples keyboards. Bloggers and commenters alike. The whole election process is certainly turning into a battle of which side can rake up more shit to pull their opponents down. Name calling is what happens in playgrounds, and for some, it is carried on throughout a persons life well into adulthood. Even when someone has an extensive range of vocabulary from a lifetime of learning, they will show their true colours when emotions take over and they run out of reasoning. 

All this turmoil is prompting me to seek out alternative ideas for a better life for myself. Overthinking maybe but I have always been a deep thinker. This is what I found. Listen to Emmy. A good one to follow for inspiration. She has many more videos which I will be watching over the next few months. 

Now for breakfast. A portion of veggie stew left over from yesterday.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Mayze has a friend

At 6.45 tonight I was thinking about putting the hedgehog food out. Went to the back door and found that the hedgehog had already arrived and was sniffing around looking for the left overs from last nights feast. He didn't seem bothered by my presence. I put a handful down right in front of him and he immediately started eating. He munched his way through it, and Mayze didn't seem bothered at all. She likes this spot under the table and sits out there even when it's raining. 

The food I get is Purina One, kitten food in a pink bag, for kittens up to 12 months. It's £15 for a 2.8kg bag and I get two a month. They keep coming back for it all through the summer. The birds like this as well, I scatter some on the garden. And yes, the cats eat it, even though they are not kittens. 

I think this is the same hedgehog that comes every night, and goes into the outside toilet through the cat flap. It left it's calling card again last night. It looks quite big. 

I have just been out to replenish the food and found a much smaller hedgehog munching away. It was a little nervous when it knew I was about so ran away. I expect it will be back later when the coast is clear. 

I mowed the lawn this afternoon so maybe that will be the last one for the year, unless we get some more dry days. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Last post from the Doddington visit.

Here we go. The last pics from the trip to Doddington. Wandering around the extensive grounds was like an adventure. Every sculpture was a surprise. Far too many to photograph them all. I see from the list of artists that Michael Scrimshaw was exhibiting 14 of his creations. I have mentioned him before on this blog. He has a studio at The Ropewalk at Barton. They will be doing the Open Studios thing again at the end of this month. I first met Michael in 2010, and several times since. This is the post about him from 2013. 

Three large pieces of rusty steel with cutouts of dandelion heads.

£75,000 if you want to buy this. 
Now you get a close up of the materials used to create it. 

The Pyramid was a good way off in the distance. The Avenue Walk was accessible on foot, but I didn't have time. A good zoom brought it closer.

The sun was casting shadows on the ground beneath the tree. 

And that's the end of the photo's. Check out the web site if you fancy visiting Doddington hall. 
 Walking across the lawn in front of the house I saw a well dressed man going towards the shed at the back of the toilet block. I thought, he looks familiar. His photograph is displayed just inside the front door of the hall. I asked him, cheekily, if he is the owner. He said yes, with a smile, I am. A brief conversation followed where I said thank you for opening up your home so we can see it. I was dead chuffed to have had a close encounter with the boss. He was dressed casually but smart. I sat down on a bench to eat my sandwich, and blow me down, a ride on mowing machine came by, and he was driving it. I mentioned this to the volunteer ladies inside the hall. They were not surprised. They said James often potters around doing little jobs. Apparently he goes out on a Sunday morning litter picking. How cool is that. What a super boss. 
I had a look at the Farm Shop, it's huge and has everything you would need to titivate your taste buds. There are shops and a nice restaurant if you should want to partake of a meal. My friends used it and said the food was smashing. One last thing to do, a walk around the pond, and record this last video. 
That's it for Doddington. I went out again the next day to a Craft Fair at Lincoln Showground. \more about that soon. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona