Friday, 13 September 2024

Exclusive fashions.

If you possess a garment that is a little bit boring, and you don't enjoy wearing it, you could jazz it up a bit with some stitchery and some buttons. Let your imagination run wild. Add colour. 
This cardy was £1 from a charity shop. It's functional, made in a far away factory, and it's a bit bland. Needs something. Needs colour. I followed the lines in the pattern and added some colourful running stitches. I took the original matching buttons off and replaced them with colourful odd buttons. I also added extra bigger buttons for decoration. 

What next? I know, I need pockets. Old socks worn out on the heels, cut them off at the ankle, and there you go, pockets. Glittery bits added. Now what do I do with the other five pairs of socks? I'll think of something. 

I thought about extending the coloured stripes over the shoulders and putting them down the back as well, but that would be too predictable. I need circles. Some on the back and three on one arm. I might add some more later. 

I am now looking at my clothes in a different way. Not shoving them to the back of the wardrobe if I don't like them. What could I do to customise them? Maybe start my own fashion label. You never know, the trend might catch on. Friday the 13th, unlucky for some. But lucky for me because I have just found out there is a local event on tonight. I may be going for a walk. 

Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Well I think that you did an awesome job that suits your amazing personality. Comment by Marlane from California

  2. That looks amazing!! Great job jazzing it up. Your talent continues to brighten things up 😊😊

  3. I love this! It definitely jazzed up that cardigan! I love seeing what all you come up with. Have fun tonight!

  4. Well done! I love it! Lynn Ewing, Pecos, NM USA

  5. Absolutely love this. I hope you do more.


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