Thursday, 12 September 2024

Blue skies today.

 I keep thinking I might go for an early walk, but always find something else to do first. I did make time today, but didn't get away until 1pm. When I start gathering things together to get ready, the cats appear looking for food. They had already had their breakfast, so now they want lunch. Mayze can't make up her mind where she wants to camp out for the day. On the table, under the table, or by the back door. I lay out three beds for her so she can decide. I put bowls of food out for them, and throw the bird food on the lawn. Then top the water bowls up. At last, ready.

Mostly blue skies, and white fluffy clouds. The dark clouds came over a few times but thankfully didn't chuck any rain down on me. I sing that Streisand song as I walk along, 'Don't rain on my parade'. And today it didn't.  

Two dead trees next to each other. 

Can you see me Mother. 

I think it's important to go out at least once a day, even if it isn't very far. This is a two hour, five mile walk. It was nearer three hours actually today, because I stop to gaze at the wonders of nature, and sit on a bench for 20 minutes. 
Hedgie is back again tonight. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. yes, I agree with going out for a walk every day, Ilona. I couldn't walk as far as you do tho.haha. But most people can manage a little walk. You do have some nice areas to walk , near to you. Similar weather here in Derby yesterday.

  2. I too just had a short walk today but I did cut two lawns and get some jobs done. outside does lift one’s spirits especially here in Australia where we have Spring. Lovely photos Ilona


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