Friday, 14 March 2025

Spies overhead

It was a bit touch and go whether I had a dry walk or a wet one. I'd best take the brolly with me, just in case. Good decision. There were three showers during the two hour walk. It was lovely and sunny to start with. I have photographed these two trees before. Couldn't resist them again. You can't have too many photo's of trees. 
Sometimes I see a tree that is not a perfect shape. This one is an oddball. It looks scrappy with small branches sticking out everywhere. Like an unkempt mop of hair. 
I heard a noise overhead, getting louder. There were two of these helicopters. I missed the first one but got the second. We get a lot of helicopters and light aircraft flying over here. The helicopters are usually  Ospreys or Chinooks, sometimes Police. This one looks like it's military.
The sun didn't last, and the clouds came over. My lovely Van Gogh sunflower brolly I bought from York last year kept me dry. 
A stir fry with mushrooms and noodles was dinner tonight. I made extra so that's what I will have tomorrow for breakfast, warmed up with an egg added.  

I've just looked out of the window and there is a hedgehog scoffing the food I put out. They come every night now. Last night I saw two together. Most of the ducks have gone now, just three left. The same thing happened last year I remember. 

Have a good weekend. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That looks like an apache helicopter. We get them flying around sometimes when war games are taking place.

  2. I have to say I couldn't be bothered to carry a brolly on a walk. In winter I wear a woolly hat, and my jackets all have good hoods. I gave up on brollies full stop as I kept leaving them on the bus when I was a teenager starting work. I bought a bright lemon yellow one - can't fail to notice THAT I thought . . . but no, first trip out, I left it on the seat! Never had one since.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.