Sunday, 8 February 2009

Car booting

A bright, crisp and sunny start to the day. As soon as I had finished my bran flakes I took myself off to the car boot sale at the football ground opposite Tesco, a few brave souls had set up shop. I wanted to search for some brightly coloured thick knitting wool, and a medium sized crochet hook, for a future project.

Couldn't find any anywhere. But what I did find was a big pile of clothing and household linens, the woman shouted, 'Any five for a pound.' The little cogs in my brain were spinning around, now what could I make out of this? I managed to find some decent good quality fabrics, and stuffed them into the carrier bag which she handed to me.

I had a mooch round Poundstretcher whilst I was close by. As soon as I walked through the door I spotted the big yellow stickers in a basket style display, out of date food. I got three tins of sweet and sour sauce for 9p each, a bag of dried apricots for 5p, and vacumm pack of tuna steak in sauce for 5p, sadly the last one of those. I have just eaten the tuna fish for my lunch, what a bargain.
Daily spend - £1.37

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