Tuesday, 10 February 2009

A tale of three cats

What is the meeow name for 'sucker', because I think I must have it stamped on my forehead. It all started with one cat, a little fella who didn't have a proper home, his owner went off and left him to fend for himself at ten months old. I fell in love with the little bundle of ginger fur, so I took him in. Bugsy is now twelve years old.

Next a scruffy, filthy, battle scarred black tom appeared at the back door, looking pleadingly at me for some food. Of course he got it. A few weeks later a trip to the vet, and he moved in, haven't the faintest idea where he came from. I asked around if anyone had lost one, but no one came forward. It was hell for about eighteen months as Freddie, named after Freddie Mercury, attacked Bugsy to try and drive him away. I almost gave up, poor Bugs ended up with bitten bleeding ears, and lumps of fur pulled out. Eventually things settled down.

My back door is often open as the cats like to wander in and out. One day I caught a very small tabby cat stealing the food, and he kept on coming every day. I asked around the neighbours and was pointed to the house he belonged to, I went to ask about him. Yes he did belong to them, he is called Smartie, he is 13 years old and he lives down the garden in an old dog kennel. I spotted the filthy food dishes outside the back door. The man said, 'kick him out.' I couldn't do that, poor little soul wants a bit of home comforts at that age, so he stayed. He has put on a bit of weight now he is getting some good food. I have been back several times since with some updates on how he is, but they are not interested.The last time the man said, 'oh, is he still alive.' Yes he is and he's gorgeous.

No, no more, please! We have been getting regular visits from a black cat a few doors down, most of the time he steals the food and goes, but sometimes he settles down on the settee. I definately don't want any more......but it's fine if he calls in sometimes for a bit of love and cuddles. Oh dear I am a sucker !

Daily spend - nothing


  1. I know just what you mean... my daughter has been adopted by cats in every house they have ever had... and the last one had kittens in her spare room so she just had to keep them... They know where and who they like!

  2. My mum has two cats, Molly and Frank. Frank just moved in one day, his owners would come for him every couple of days, then he'd turn up again. One day the man came to the door with atabby in his arms - Frank's sister, Molly. He said they were moving to France and would mum take care of Molly too?? And incidentally was my dad going to scrap his old Audi (that was sitting on the drive for 2 years)?? An hour later mum had swapped the car for the 2 cats...dad was not amused, but 9 years later they're still there!!

  3. Don't you just fall in love with them, I just love to hear them purring. Smartie is on my knee as I type, now got to move him because I want to make my dinner, and my legs ache.

  4. May 12th, 2012 - I have just found your blog and am reading in order from the beginning ... 'mean' ??? that word has nothing to do with you ... you are the priority queen!

    Anne in Cambridge who thinks the sound of a cat purring is beyond price.


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