Friday, 27 February 2009

Tidy computer !

Things didn't go right for me yesterday. I got back from Asda and switched my computer on and got a shock, a picture of my lovely Ben on the desktop and nothing else. Not a single icon, nowt, zilch, just my little arrow with nothing to hover over. I had a very good idea what might have happened, and it seems I was right. The night before, I was goooogling, and spotted an eye catching headline in the title of a site. That's interesting, I thought, I'll take a look at that. Clicked on it but it didn't go anywhere, so I carried on with what I was doing.

Then, I was reading another page and it disappeared, I thought, that's odd, but carried on, thinking no more about it. The next day I found my computer had been wiped clean. I didn't have time to deal with it because I had arranged to go and meet Lorraine at the Scrap Store to show her what I have been busy making. When I got there I found she had gone, how annoying is that when someone tells you one thing then does another. I went home to see if I could find some help for the computer.

A few phone calls to friends didn't sound very promising, it's not something that anyone can sort out, oh by the way my computer is empty, can you put all the bits and bobs back in again for me? I found stuff to do, some more ironing carrier bags together, and making beads, and tidying up. It was like my right arm was missing, I was wandering around the house in a daze, what do I do now, my computer is broken, sob sob.

Better news today. I rang a shop in town called Second Byte, the man said bring it in. I said which bit do you want, all of it? He said, no just the tower, so I unplugged it and took it straight in. He rang me just after lunch and said 'it will cost £30, do you want me to do it.' I told him to go ahead. I thought this was a good time to de clutter the office. He rang again at 4pm and said it's ready. Boy was I relieved that it wasn't a few hundred quid. Anyway, all seems to be well, so here I am blogging again, and I've got a lovely clean desk.
Daily spend £30 computer repair. £2.54 Sainsburys


  1. Glad to hear all is now well with your computer - I know how you felt, whenever mine's not working, I feel like a part of my body has been cut off. (I do get an awful lot more done around the house, though!!) Have only just discovered your blog, and am really enjoying reading it - keep writing - Caroline x

  2. Ooh yes, been there done that, its awful isnt it? I wish I didnt feel so dependent upon my computer... but there it is. Glad its all fixed. :-) Jane


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.