My first idea for the vinyl off cuts came to me last night, just as I was dropping off to sleep, must have been the cider. Something simple to start with. I drifted off into oblivion with thoughts of searching through my drawers for a couple of redundant keyrings, I must have one or two somewhere!
Here is the result of a couple of hours of playing,
well it's not like work is it?
Cut out five letters in pink, five circles in purple, and a strip of ten bigger circles in red with a bridge between five and six to accommodate the keyring. Sew letters onto circles with red thread, fold red strip in half and sew together with purple thread. And there you have it, it looks pretty cool, and as I can never find anything with my name on, I am chuffed. I think I will only use it for special occasions.
Daily spend - nothing.
I nearly bought a paper today but couldn't be bothered.
Brilliant idea Ilona, I wouldnt bother with the paper... its all bad news!