My walking boots were still filthy after the walk last week, another cleaning job I do not relish. I generally don't bother, they are only going to get dirty again. I thought I'd better make the effort, they might last longer if I look after them.

There is also a Cannon Hall Farm which I came to after passing through some fields of sheep. It must have been feeding time, because a farm worker turned up on his quad bike with a trailer, and started dropping piles of feed . It was ever so funny, the sheep were chasing him as he went from one field to another. The farm buildings were surrounded by high fences and had notices up saying no entry at the back, because there is an entry fee to pay. I passed by the front driveway ten minutes later and the sign said £4.95 per car. I suppose that is quite reasonable if you can squash about a dozen in your car :-)
As usual I over estimated the distance I thought I could cover in the time, and ended up doing the last bit on the road. I really must start out a bit earlier next time.
Fabulous, isn't it! How often do we take these things for granted. The sun will rise, it will move across the sky, and it will disappear over the horizon. How often do we dismiss these sights as normal and carry on with what we were doing, and how often do we look but don't see?
It only takes a minute for a stunning view like this to reveal itself, and in another minute it will be gone forever. How amazing is that! And if we weren't paying attention, if we were so engrossed in our own little world, wrapped up in our own worries and anxieties, we would have missed out on many beautiful sights that present themselves every minute of every day.
The best part is that we don't have to go anywhere to appreciate natural beauty, it is all around us. We only have to open our eyes.