Monday, 25 July 2011

Day 2 Bilsborrow to Clitheroe

Wow, the pictures are flying across, must be a good signal. I didn't think I was going to get a bed tonight, was pushing it to go a bit further, walked past a pub that said £40 on the poster outside, and carried on thinking I can find one cheaper than that. My little legs were killing me, I had aching knees and sore shoulders, and not a sign of a bed anywhere. I came to a village and asked at the pub. They had beds but were full up, so I had a meal and prepared myself for a night in the churchyard. I felt a bit refreshed after a pint of cider so I decided to have one last push for Clitheroe. I don't know how I did it, I wanted to collapse in a heap. I checked in here at the Rose and Crown at 8.45pm, I couldn't have walked another step. £32.30 so not too bad.

After a hearty breakfast this morning I set off, passing Bilsborrow church. I must say that this has the best church yard I have ever seen, not a blade of grass out of place, and lots of flowers. It is obviously well loved by the parishoners.

Passing over the M6, not very busy. Then I took some tracks and paths across fields towards Goosnargh, pronounced Goosner.

What a lovely big pile of carrots. I had a long conversation with the farmer, he buys these in for his cows, he says they love them. He offered me some, I declined.

I love cows, have some great conversations with them, they listen to everything I say, ha ha.

Goosnargh Church.

BBC Radio Humberside rang me this morning, so I had a chat with Burnsy on the air. If anyone wants to listen to it, it will be on the iplayer, I am on at about 11.45, so the last 15 minutes of the programme, he does 9 till 12. They are going to ring again for a progress report. There's no giving up now, gotta do it.

I did quite a bit of road walking after that, to Longridge. This sign on the wall made me smile. When I was a little girl we went on coach trips to Blackpool, and before the motorways were built we went through Longridge. As soon as I saw this sign I thought we were nearly there :O)

After a sit down on the grass outside the fire station to give my feet and shoulders a rest, I walked straight through Longridge on the road and out the other side. I went a bit off route because I wanted to take in part of the Ribble Way, so I worked my way down to Ribchester. Are you listening Brian, ha ha. Here is a lovely new stile.

The walk along the river and through the woods was very pleasant, made a nice change from pounding tarmac. This is St Wilfreds Church in Ribchester.

The sign said Roman Bath House, I thought, ooh that will be interesting. :O( It's just a pile of rocks.

The path leaves the river for a while, so I tramped across the fields following the signs, then I picked it up again at Ribchester Bridge.

I am starting to think about a bed by this time, but kept pushing on. Again the path left the river and joined it again. By this time I thought I had better join the road. A ranger stopped to speak to me, he was looking for a woman who was thought to have got lost, someone was looking for her. I said it wasn't me. We ended up having a long conversation, my fault really I am such a gas bag. He was ok, said he could give me a lift. I said, I couldn't do that because it would be cheating, I have to walk coast to coast. It was very tempting to get in though, ha ha.

I took the road to Hurst Green, and came to Great Mitton, that's where I had the meal. And the rest you know, no bed so I carried on to Clitheroe. I saw this bridge from a distance, then when I got closer it looks quite new.

But it's a bridge you can't cross, it goes nowhere except over the water from one field to another.

I was so pleased that my room has a bath en suite, the first thing I did was to have a good old soak, bliss. Breakfast is at 8.30. Next I am heading for Barnoldswick, and I might stop at the hostel at Earby, depending what the time is.


  1. Oh my, I'm so glad you got a bed for the night, I'd have hated to think you had to sleep in the churchyard (although it would have been dead quiet)!
    Have a good night's sleep.

  2. Hats off to you Ilona! What an amazing adventure.
    I'm enjoying your lovely photos and hearing all about it from the other side of the world - Australia, where a journey like this would be almost impossible. I've never tried it but I'm sure we could walk for days and not find any accommodation at all and our heat would be a killer. I hope you're enjoying yourself and that it's not turning into a test of endurance. How are the blisters?

  3. I so enjoy following your adventures. How many miles a day are you walking? I love the photos
    of your trip. Hope you always find a safe place
    to sleep. You must be exhausted by the end of each

  4. I am thinking about you all day, hoping you are OK. I hope I can hear the interview in Canada.
    Take care
    Jane x

  5. Great photos. Just checked out the Rose and Crown in Clitheroe, looks a lovely hotel. Hope you had a good nights sleep and rest. See you tomorrow♥

  6. What an adventure!!!! Following you from Colorado, USA. I second the hope that you are enjoying your walk and it is not an endurance test. I am going to try to listen to your interview on the radio.
    Good Luck for a lovely walk and a nice bed again tomorrow night.

  7. Your BBC Radio Humberside 25th July interview follows The Monkees "I'm a Believer". Now that'll be a good tune to whistle and cheer yourself up if you're feeling down, in the wet perhaps, on your way back home.

  8. good progress!
    The carrots for the cows would have been good eating-we used to get a small net sackful from the feed merchant, about 10kg, as a treat for the ponies (and ourselves!) and they were better quality than in the shops!!

  9. I always love reading about your adventures, not to sure about sleeping in a churchyard!

  10. You're tramping near my stomping ground, s'funny seeing pictures of places you know but on another person's blog! Hope the weather holds for you, coz today is a bit damp

  11. I'm glad you found a bed for the night! I'm going to enjoy following you on your coast to coast walk as I will get to see lots of places I haven't visited before! Dave's dad lives in Clitheroe, but I've only been up there once!

  12. ooo you are a real trooper Ilona, keep up the good work and stay safe.
    Twiggy x

  13. I"m enjoying your travels. Up to now I know where you've been, it's when you get nearer your home I'm a bit stuck!

  14. Enjoying your pics and tales of your walking.
    Hope you find a comfy bed for the night and some decent grub!

    Take care,

    Sandie xx

  15. I'm knackered just reading this Ilona!
    Glad you found a nice bed and bath to soak in last night, I should think you deserved it. You have my admiration for setting out on such a walk.

  16. it's like a girls-own story "Ilona has a grand adventure".
    I haven't the inclination to hike or camp, but I am thoroughly enjoying seeing your photos and hearing all about it.
    Good job you declined the famers offer, where on earth would you have put them (was it cows or carrots he offered?)...oh, ignore me, the unaccustomed sun has gone to my head.

  17. Oh my goodness - you HAVE brought back many memories. We lived at Whalley and I went to school at Clitheroe until my parents moved down south in 1967. You are doing fantastically well - keep it up girl!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.