Thursday, 28 July 2011

Day 5 Ilkley to Bardsey

Hi, it's great to read your comments, you keep me going. I've dropped lucky with a bed tonight, I was getting a bit worried because there appears to be hardly any pubs on my route in this area. I keep scouring the map for PH, they are few and far between and I don't want to go off route too much. I ended up in a village called Bardsey, (with a PH), two miles south of Collingham near Boston Spa, at about 5.45pm, and asked at the pub, keeping my fingers crossed. The barman said they don't do beds. Then one of the regulars said there is a B & B called The Gables, up the road on the main A58, so off I went with just about enough energy left to get there. I found the place, a big rambling country house, and saw that the sign outside had been removed. Perhaps they had stopped doing beds. I knocked the door and a lovely lady answered, she said she does have a room. Bingo, I have dropped lucky, at £27.50, very good value. Phew, that was a relief.

Today has been a killer because it has been roasting hot. The sweat was running off me, and I have only had to pee the once, despite drinking loads, ha ha. My clothes were wringing wet and they are now hanging up to dry ready for tomorrow. I left the rip off Cow and Calf at 9am and headed east on the road for a short while to get my legs working again. It's really strange, one day I get more pain from my knees, the next day they are alright and it's my shoulders giving me bother. The blisters on my little toes are alright most of the time with twinges of soreness coming and going. Perhaps one day everything will feel fine all day.

I followed the road to Burley Woodhead, then went across the fields to Menston. The Dales Way runs parallel with the road, on the right, but my legs didn't seem to want to climb the bank to get up there. It was starting to get really hot at 10 o clock. I would have loved an ice cream but I couldn't see anyone serving at this kiosk :o)

I picked up the Dales Way a bit further along when I passed Chevin End, this was a nice walk through the woods, nice to be under the shade of the trees.

There are quite a view places for good views along here. Here I am passing high above Otley, one of my favourite places, but no time to visit today, I'm on a mission.

Next the path took me to Chevin Forest Park. I met three ladies with a load of children, they were taking them for a picnic and they were all chattering excitedly. One of the ladies put me on the right path for Bramhope. The Park is riddled with paths so I was pleased to get help. I would have quite liked to picnic with the kids, but no time, must press on. There are lots of these wooden carvings scattered about. I saw loads of people walking with dogs and kids, it's a very popular place.

I can recomend it for a lovely walk if you are in the area.

Here I am arriving at Bramhope, time for lunch. I found a bench in a little memorial garden opposite the Methodist Church. Boots off and eat the quiche from last night. Beautiful flowers again.

Next a little road walking to Eccup, then across the fields towards Harewood House. The fragrance from this wild flower meadow was devine, it was buzzing with bees and fluttering butterflies.

Now I was in the grounds of Harewood, there are acres and acres of it. I didn't see the house as I walked through, but I came across this sign. I thought it was strange that lots of cars all came down the track, they appeared to come from some farm buildings. I thought it must be some kind of convention and they are all leaving at the same time. Then I twigged, this is where they film Emmerdale. I could see part of the village and what looked like the Woolpack, but of course I was not allowed to go any closer.

I was in the grounds of Harewood for a long time, it is massive. Most of it is open parkland where sheep graze, and there was a wood where I saw this ornamental bridge.

After I came out of the park and crossed over the A61 I walked along the Leeds Country Way to Bardsley. This was easy to follow, and well signposted.

Nearly forgot, BBC Radio Humberside are ringing me in the morning for a progress report. I have got to make sure I am in an area with a good signal at about 9.40am.

I am still hoping for a Sunday finish, but I have the option of going into Monday. You can never tell what will happen, I will try for Sunday. Three more days, can I do it? Toodle pip.


  1. Evening Ilona, you are doing so well, you must be half way now. What an achievement. I love the photo of the wood carving. Sally

  2. Of course you can do it! I also love the carving. That photo would look great in one of the cycling magazines I get, Velovision! Keep it up, you'll eat the miles.

  3. Keep going! I am really enjoying reading about your adventures. The scenery is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Well done you!! This treck is an amazing achievement. Good luck for the rest of the way.
    The pics are fab! Have a good time!

  5. Left you another message on yesterday's comments! I would be crawling by now! Love hearing where you've been and what is familiar to me! I've been to Harewood House!
    I will be in Worcester for 2 months if you get down that way...

  6. Course you can! True grit - that's you! Looking forward to reading the next installment - got my OH interested now too!

  7. You go girl! I would have dropped dead from the heat!

  8. Well done Ilona. You are doing really well. I'm loving the pictures its almost like being there. I have a peek at your blog every night to see if you've updated. Such a treat! Keep it up, it will be such an achievement when you get home, and what an adventure. Sue

  9. Course you can Malcolm:) Don't know why the phrase popped into my head then I remembered it was from an Ad many moons ago. Fantastic photos again. Hope the weather is a little cooler for you, home stretch now Ilona♥ xxx

  10. Aw Ilona I would have loved to join you today if i hadnt got the kids..... you passed through lots of my stomping grounds, come the winter and the short days i do a 9 miler round otley giong through the chevin.... lovely to see lots o fplaces i know... fantastic what you are doing, cant believe it will be over by sunday or monday ,, you go girl!!!!

  11. Shame you couldn't get an ice cream from that kiosk, it's been so hot today! The forecast is a lot cooler for tomorrow so it should be better for you.
    You're doing great!

  12. I am absolutely thrilled to see so much of England through your eyes. Your photos are lovely. I want to make some of them my desktop pics. I love coming home from work and reading about your progress. I am sure you will finish well and add another great achievement to the long list! Bravo Lady.
    Warm thought from the US

  13. You're amazing - you walk mile upon mile with blisters and aches and then you walk further to find a bed. You shop for food and to take photos en route and then after all that, you make the effort to blog here and tell us all about it.

    I doubt there's anything you set your mind to that you can't do.


  14. You WILL do it Ilona! Fantastic progress again and you went to some of my old haunts, again :-) I love the Chevin woods. Good to hear that you found a good B&B .

    Best wishes for another great day on the road........

  15. You can do it! With Blogger love and support!
    Really enjoying the trip so far...don't have any blisters though LOL!
    Hope the pain eases soon.

    Sandie xx

  16. HI .Hope your enjoying it. It will be a great acheivment for you. see you soon Paul ollie and alf

  17. Your energy levels must be very high! I hope you manage to get to the end.


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