Sunday, 31 July 2011

Day 7 Selby to The Humber Bridge

I spread the maps out in my room, looking at the daily distances I had achieved so far, and looking at what I had left to complete. It was going to be a long haul if I wanted to reach Hull today, but if I split the distance in two, I couldn't see much chance of getting a bed for the night. It seemed sensible to choose the most direct route but once I got past Goole I would have to go way off route to find a bed, but if I pressed on I might just make it.

As I set off I thought the end was a distinct possibility, and from the start I walked as hard and as fast as my little legs would carry me. Leaving Selby, over the bridge over the River Ouse, and onto the Trans Pennine Trail.

Goodbye Selby.

A short distance and the railway line crosses the river. Looks like it could do with a coat of paint.

A bit further along is the bridge which takes the main A63 over the top.

It was head down and go go go. I haven't seen a stile like this before. The two centre poles are pushed apart to walk through.

That's Drax Power Station over there.

The land round here is very prone to flooding and I passed some men with big digger machines working to build up the banks as a preventative measure. This is the Barmby Barrage, where the River Derwent meets the Ouse. I don't know much about it, but I believe it is to do with managing water levels, holding back and releasing excess water, into different areas to prevent flooding. It is also a nice picnic area where people can do a bit of fishing or walk their dog.

Can you see me?

I left the river at this point and took a minor road straight across, through Asselby and Knedlington to Howden. There were plenty of these monsters busy in the fields, chucking up a load of dust.

I stopped briefly in Howden and parked my bum on a bench outside the cemetary, for a bite to eat. Half a pasty and a piece of toast I salvaged from breakfast, with a couple of slices of rubber cheese that had turned to latex in the heat. Boy was it hot today.

This looked like a little oasis next to a busy road junction, Howden Allotment Association having their open day. I would have loved to stop and buy some fresh veg, but couldn't possibly add to my weighty backpack. This is community life at it's best. Fantastic.

Over the main A614 and the M62, past the industrial area of Howdendyke and Kilpin Pike, a short distance along the river and back on the road to pass through Saltmarsh Station, Laxton, Metham and Yokefleet. I stopped at Blacktoft to buy an ice lolly at the village fete, which was taking place in the garden of a big house next to the church. Everyone was having a load of fun, such a shame that I have to plough on.

Then I passed Flaxfleet and I can see Whitton Island to my right in the middle of the Humber. Just across the other side on the south bank is where I live. Here is Weighton Lock. I can see lots of sailing boats out today.

Sticking with the river bank now, I came to the Marina at Brough, not far to the Humber Bridge.

It was a lovely walk, past a big pond on my right, the sun was coming down, and I was beginning to feel I could make it. Just round the bend the bridge came into view. Then disaster, I had to take a diversion because my path was blocked with a lot of water, bugger I had forgotten about that. I could have cried. Two hours to go before the bus left. Who'd have thought I have walked over 100 miles to catch a bus, ha ha.

I stopped in a bus shelter at North Ferriby to put my sweatshirt on, my clothes were wet with sweat and I was getting cold. I had marched for almost ten hours and I was so tired. I could have waited an hour to recover and carry on to Hull City Centre, but I would have missed the bus and had to wait till the first one next morning at 8.25am. I could have spent another £50 and booked into a posh hotel, which seemed daft as I was so close to home.

Instead I decided that it was my home made Coast to Coast, and I could change the rules. I had indeed landed on the east coast of Britain, having walked right across from the sea at Blackpool. It took seven days and I didn't cry once with the pain, although I was close to it.

My last picture, the toll booths at the Humber Bridge, waiting for my friends Alex and Irene to come and get me. Five miles short of my target destination, but what the heck, I did walk Coast to Coast, and now I'm going to cry.


  1. Ilona don't cry; that is a fantastic achievement, west coast to south coast in a week - AMAZING! Go and put your feet up and cuddle one of the moggies, they must have been missing you xxx
    Kate G

  2. That is west coast to EAST coast, silly me :-)

  3. Well done me deerio! I bet your muscles are sore now!
    Thanks for sharing the adventure ,I loved all the photos.

  4. You deserve a medal! What an amazing treck!!

  5. I've really enjoyed the photos and following your progress on google. Thanks so much for letting us tag along with you, its been brilliant; and you're right, its your challenge and you did it! Big cheer! now spoil yourself and take it easy a little.

  6. Well done, as you say it was your challenge and are allowed to finish however you want to. I think you are a tough little thing and I'm proud of you.

  7. Well done Ilona! you're such an inspiration . What a fantastic achievement. I can't walk far (dodgy feet) but i love reading about your hikes and especially the fantastic photoes . You have such an eye for a good photo. Xxx Julie

  8. How fabulous! YOU DID IT!!!!
    Tears should be for joy!
    Jane x

  9. Sorry I'm such a sook, I did cry when I read your last sentence. I'm sure your tears would have been tears of joy for such an achievement♥ I cannot express how much I admire your guts and determination, I would be your "wingman" anyday, just one problem I'd still be at Blackpool:) Bravo dear Ilona:) Linda xxx

  10. What an achievement!!!! I hope those were tears of joy, with some of relief in there too. ;-)
    Not only did you walk all that way(30 miles the last day! WOW), you took all of us with you. Thank You.
    I love your spirit and wish I lived in England so I could come and take you for a cuppa and a treat to celebrate.

  11. Wow my hat is off to you. Great job and what a lovely walk. There is nothing like that here in the USA.


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