Sunday, 23 October 2011

Warm as toast

Good morning. I thought there might be some enquiries about the heat pads, so here they are. Crystal Clear sell them at £15.95 each, Purrsonel Touch who were also at the cat show sell them at £18.95, so a big difference, you need to shop around. I believe you can get them for around £14. I got the four at a discount for our cat rescue, and I know Roy who is a decent chap. Crystal Clear will deliver, but as they are very heavy they might cost quite a lot to send.

They are made in Britain so that's good news, for us in Britain that is :o) The address is.... Lenric c21 Ltd, Lineside Industrial Estate, Littlehampton, BN17 7LU. They have a web site

You can use them with or without the cover, they claim to hold the heat up to 12 hours. Sue has used them regularly in her pens and she says they are great for keeping the kitties warm in the winter. I suppose they would be just as effective if you put them in your own bed. A hot water bottle is a cheaper alternative, but my bottles cool down after a couple of hours, but by that time I am fast asleep.

In the kitties room I have a garden chair with a cushion on it. I put one under the cushion and sat on it while I was playing with them. I could feel the warmth come up through the cushion. Perhaps it's worth looking in pet stores, such as Pets at Home, or good quality Garden Centres where they have a pet section.

I hope this helps, good luck in your search.

PS. I have just checked out the Snugglesafe web site. It's good for additional information, but they are far too expensive to buy direct from them. Look elsewhere.


  1. These are fab, I have 3 outside cats (their own cat run and use of the greenhouse). And I used these last year in their beds over night especially through the snowy time we had.

    I bought mine from Pets at home online. Just got to get me a Microwave for this year to heat these babies up.

  2. Thanks for the info and the photos,and will definetley be looking at the websiste and getting as much info as possible.Our cats already like the heat plates our cattery use when we board them in colder weather and can't prise our cats off of them lol.

    Our Willow is blue just like the one in your photo and we rescued him and his sister eight years ago as tiny kittens...

  3. It's a small world:) We have been importing and selling these for a few months. Terrific product.

  4. What a neat idea for outdoor cat pens!

  5. Those heat pats sounds great! I'll keep my eye out here for some in case I get another kittie some time.

  6. My cat Bonnie, thinks I'm a heat pad.

  7. Amazon have them for £10.69 & Free delivery! Think my 2 cats might have an early Xmas present!


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