Sunday, 29 July 2012

I'm glad

I'm glad that I have a common sense down to earth attitude.
I'm glad that I don't have any airs and graces.
I'm glad that I don't have a hidden agenda.
I'm glad that I'm a bit rough round the edges.
I'm glad that I don't take life too seriously.
I'm glad that I make people laugh.
I'm glad that I have the confidence to think for myself.
I'm glad that I can think outside the box.
I'm glad that I can come up with some good ideas.
I'm glad that other people like my ideas.
I'm glad that I inspire some to copy my ideas.
I'm glad that people join in with my blog.
I'm glad that people add valuable comments to my blog.
I'm glad that I can share my ideas.
I'm glad that I'm me and not somebody else.
I'm glad that you are reading this.


  1. I'm glad you're glad!

    Janet, Lancashire

  2. I'm glad you have a blog x

  3. Thats nice - when I think of you I think "authentic"..................talks the talk and walks the walk...........

  4. I'm glad that you put all your 'stuff' for us to read. I'm glad that you put a smile on our faces with your blog. Thank you. Ann x

  5. Your Sunday affirmation? Good job.

  6. The "Glad Game"! OK, lets go. I am glad you write a blog full of such wonderful and interesting things. I am glad that we live in times that I can hear from a friend in England everyday. I am glad I have some things, like this blog, that I can look forward to everyday. May God bless you with all that you need.

  7. I'm glad that you're writing your blog.

  8. I'm glad I found you. I have no idea how it happened tho LOL :-D

  9. So you're glad all over to quote the old song.

  10. I`m glad I found you too, and through you I found a way to revisit the lovely North Lincolnshire countryside where my Granny lived. Thank you.

  11. I'm glad you share you world with us) Thank you xx

  12. Yey ! and I am glad too ! All of the above. :-)

  13. I'm glad you care enough about us all to share your common sense.
    Jane x

  14. I am so glad I found your blog. I am glad you take care of homeless kitties. I am glad you inspire others.

  15. I'm glad that you look after nice big black labradors and other fur babies. Cheers

  16. Hi Ilona I'm glad I can agree with all your comments this morning. Have a lovely day Regards Jean

  17. I'm glad that you're glad, that makes us all glad.

    Sue xx

  18. I think you have a fantastic attitude to life, its bang on. Im getting there, your an inspiration to everyone Iona. xx

  19. I'm glad that you are confident enough to be yourself - its very refreshing.

    1. I don't comment often,I read your blog daily.
      I enjoy following your travels and have learned many saving tips. I am disabled and on a tight budget. You are an inspiration for

  20. That's lovely! I'm glad too.

  21. Your attitude has really cheered me up after a difficult day and early evening. Will try to think of all the things to be glad about and sideline the rest, thank you, you are an inspiration! x

  22. I'm glad that everyone's so glad.
    Love from Mum

  23. I'm glad I found your blog. I'm glad you are the way you are. I'm glad you are happy with the way your life is. I'm glad there are people in this world like you. I'm glad you allow me to read about your everyday life and your walking trips, kitty adventures, dog walking, thrifty shopping (especially that!), etc. Thanks for everything you post. You're one in a million.

  24. My Auntie Glad would have been glad to read your blog. I'm glad I can.

  25. I just realized I didn't plant any gladiolas this year. Nice blog idea, may I use it, please?

  26. We be of one blood, thee and I. I'm glad.

  27. I've been reading your blog for some time now, but I have never commented...just been reading and enjoying your travels.
    I actually had it saved in my Favourites, and then my pc crashed, and I had to start searching for you all over glad I found you again.
    I love your "I'm glad" list, and I'm glad that I found your blog.


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