Monday, 30 July 2012

Base station closing down

I'm almost ready for the off in the morning, I hope to get away about 9ish. The car is half packed, just need to decide which clothes to take. I will be sort of self catering, trying to keep the cost down a bit, but allowing myself some treats. I'm taking a few tins of basic food, and will buy the rest wherever I happen to be. I still can't bring myself to eat out so I will be popping in some supermarkets for my provisions.

The kitties have gone now, safely housed at Sue's. I went to see them today and they are fine, though one of them is hiding at the back of the pen. Hopefully she will be brave enough to come out soon. They really like their upstairs bedroom and they have lots of toys to play with. Mum cat Heidi is getting used to the routine here now, but she is off her food a bit at the moment. She goes outside and wanders back in again. I'll see if she fits in with the other two, up to now there is no fisticuffs. Mayze is not too keen on her, but she might come round.

I took Rocky a walk this morning, and again tonight. He smells a bit and needs a bath, I'll do that when I get back.

Anyway, must finish packing. This base station is closing down, I'll catch you on the satellite hub tomorrow. Toodle pip.

PS. Sarina, Fishcake Random, and Crystal Mooncat, if you want to meet me please email me asap. Address on the side bar. Sarina, you said you had emailed me but I haven't received it. Crystal I have your mobile number, I'll text you. Fishcake, I can't find your email address on your blog.


  1. You are under strict orders to have fun (and take lots of piccies!!)
    Safe journey.
    Jane x

  2. Have a safe journey. See you at my place. I'll make you a sandwich. :-)

  3. Hope you have a great trip Ilona and manage to call in to see us on your way home - let me know if you will be needing a bed for the night...... Hope 'your' boat is worth the trip to the smoke!

  4. Have a good time. Glad Rocky is back under your watchful eye x

  5. Ilona, I`ve sent 2 emails by now. Would so love to meet up on Sunday with you. Sad, that I might not get the chance now.

  6. Have a wonderful time and I do hope you can catch up with Sarina:) Take good care. xx

  7. Have a wonderful time, stay safe.

    And don't forget lots of pictures, especially of 'your' boat.

    Sue xx

  8. You'll have gone by now, but I just wanted to wish you Bon Voyage. Have a lovely time, a safe journey, and I look forward to reading about your adventures.

  9. Have a great hol Ilona... Holidays are about enjoying doing different things to normal so HEY spend a little ! enjoy x


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