Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Sticky fingers

 It's been blowing a gale here today, the trees at the bottom of the garden have been swishing around like a troupe of demented Tiller Girls. Best to stay indoors methinks. I'm trying to get some arty farty crafty work done and I am searching my head for ideas. I saw an exhibition of paintings in The Ropery Art Gallery on Saturday, and was amazed at how much the artist was asking for them, £300 - £600. How anyone could call them art I'll never know, they were utter crap. Squiggles and dollops and splashes of paint in no particular order. 
I reckon I can do better than that. I have something that needs a new lick of paint. It's hanging on the wall so I got it down and set to with my fingers to give it an arty farty look. The paint is taking a while to dry because it's not very warm in here, so the finished piece will not appear for a few days. I'll try and hasten the process with a hairdryer. You'll have to be patient, but I can say, it's looking good.  
While waiting for the paint to dry I got on with making a shopping bag out of fused plastic. I have posted about this before, it's where you iron layers of plastic together to make a strong piece which you can sew together on a machine. I made this one out of four bran flake bags and some clear plastic. Nice and cheerfull, and free.  
Here's another one I made out of a charity bag. You have to be carefull which charity bags you use because some of them are biodegradable and will fall to bits after a while. You want the ones which feel like plastic, and not flimsy paper.
Rocky has taken over the new cat cushion, and was watching me. He has a new friend to play with. They look sweet now, but half an hour before he was trying to chew Ted's arm off, ha ha.
It's nose to tail on the window sill now, ha ha. If they budge up a bit maybe all three will fit on there.
News from our cat rescue. Hey look at this amazing play station, isn't it fab. We rehomed this little girl last week, they called her Molly and sent us this pic. She has dropped lucky here, as all of our cats do because we check out the people who adopt them. Her owners say she loves this and sleeps in it, ignoring the bed they also bought for her. Isn't she a lucky little kitty.  
Janet took our new little boy Garfield, to the vet today for neutering. He has only been with us for a few days and already there has been enquiries for him. The vet and the receptionist are both wanting to adopt him. Isn't he gorgeous.

Blimey look at the time, I'd better get to bed. Goodnight.


  1. That cat is living the high life!!
    Jane x

  2. Hi Ilona, I look forward to seeing the artwork that you have been painting. I like the lilac colour of paint you have been using. I love the bags you have made from the fused plastic, cool colours. I'm always amazed at what you make with all the bits and bobs that you have around the house, it's brilliant. Rocky looks very at home lying on the tartan bed you made, along with Ted. The cats are making good use of the lounger. I reckon if they sat up, all facing towards the window, they'd squeeze in, all their little faces at the window. Molly will have endless hours of fun running around that playstation, it's huge. Garfield looks so sweet; how could anyone resist him. I'm sure he will be rehomed soon with a loving family. Well, it's chilly here so I'm off. Cheers for now, Christy.

  3. You may have to install larger windows to keep everyone happy!!!
    Rocky sure does look comfortable on "his" bed....

  4. My dog would take over every cat spot in the house if she could get away with it. I had to intercede, as the cats didn't feel equally willing to sleep on their nice cushions once they smelled of a dog. I couldn't smell it, but the cats apparently can.

    Well done on Molly and Garfield!!!

  5. "Sticky fingers"--thought you have a thief.

    Since it looks as though your paint is quite thick, a hairdryer might give it a case hardening which leaves the inside wet for much longer. I have had thick paint that never dried. I would be afraid to try and hurry it, but then, I am no painter and don't know what kind you used.

    Next time someone wants you for a program, tell them about the lovely modern art that you saw and that you have tried you hand at it, and have some for sale. You have a following, so maybe you can make sales.

  6. I am pleased to see Rocky looking so well cared for.
    I just read what quinn said about dog smells. This might explain why Bonnie won't come into the bedroom since Mac was here last week. Mac is the puppy I was looking after.
    I am happy to see you being artistic. But if you dry the paint too quickly it will crack. Mind you that can be a nice effect.

  7. What a cat playstation. I think I'll be a cat in my next life, hopefully with a playstation like Molly's.

  8. I just looked up your old post about making bags and I am so giving that a go! What a brilliant idea, I always feel terrible throwing bags away even when I recycle them.

    Those kitties are so cute!

  9. Wonderful news to hear Molly landed on her feet♥ Oh how gorgeous is Garfield xxxxx Rocky rocks {{{♥♥♥}}} Lovely post Ilona xxx

  10. I love the butterfly bag! You've got me thinking about cereal bags now. I use them for the freezer or for cleaning up after my dog, it would be great to give them another purpose we get through loads.

  11. Oh I've just had a thought - not so much for you MQ, but possibly for your readers. The big bags that nappies come in is very strong plastic. Hmm guess what I'll be doing today...

  12. Those bags look great. I shall investigate further! And I would adopt those kittens like a shot - although the four current cat friends might well have something to say about that!


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