Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Why are cats so fussy!

My food is so simple, no faff, quick and easy to prepare. Breakfast today was porridge with a handful of sultanas, and some peach slices. Lunch was a cheese sandwich, and half a tin of rice pudding. Dinner tonight was four small potatoes, two onions, and some broccoli, served on a bed of couscous. Very filling 
Why can't feeding cats be just as simple. Why do they turn their noses up at everything I put before them. One day they will like something and the next they won't touch it. It drives me potty. 
'Here kitty kitty, please eat your chuffin dinner. No. Don't like it, well try this one then. Don't like that one either, well what about this one then? Still don't like it, well tough, because that's all you are getting'. Then I walk away. Chuffin cats, costs more to feed them than it does to feed me. Don't worry, I'll go to town tomorrow and get you something else. I must be nuts, ha ha.
George update....He has moved on and now has his own en suite apartment in the Kitty Hotel, aka the rescue pens. One became vacant so I moved him over there yesterday. I rang half an hour ago to ask how he is getting on, he is fine. He has a lady cat next door and a view of the garden. Much more interesting for him. He didn't really like being confined in one room here. It's ok in the short term when nothing else is available. I'll go and see him in the next few days. 
It's been a fabulous day today. Tidying in the garden, and a walk in the park. Spring has sprung. 
Toodle pip. 


  1. Always bear in mind that cats do not eat food that's on special offer. Even if it's their favourite food. When the supermarket puts it on offer and you stock up, they will stop eating it. It's the law.:-)

  2. Fussy little b*ggers at times...and yes, ours DO cost more to feed than us!
    Jane x
    PS Glad that George likes his new digs.

  3. Cats are funny. The one I have was going to be picked up by Animal Control if I hadn't taken him in. (Of course, he doesn't know this.) But he only likes certain foods, won't eat eggs, cheese or chicken and has to have his 3 courses. First is a little canned food, then later a few treats, and his dry food. I feed a couple of feral cats and they are glad to get anything!
    My cat loves me, though.
    Maggie from US

  4. Cats certainly do have us humans sussed, love 'em.

  5. I agree - now my cat is almost 18 and we've finally worked out a system that she likes... she only gets wet canned cat food! I figure that since she is such a wonderful old dame I will treat her to whatever she wants!

  6. I know what you mean about fussy cats. Poppy will only eat her chunky chunks if I sprinkle some cat biscuits over it and will wait by the bowl until I do the sprinkling!

    And how come if I serve the same to each to cat they all think the other cat's got a tastier meal than theirs?

    Linda xxx

  7. Fortunately our cats aren't too fussy, although they did refuse to eat one brand I bought them. As I'd bought quite a few bags while it was on offer I bunged the unopened bags in the donation bin in Morrisons for the local cat sanctuary; hopefully there's a kitty out there that will like it.

  8. What a waste of good food! I hope you're going to find a use for it ilona. Flipping pampered pussy cats. Christine.

  9. Couldn't agree more about fussy cats. We have three of our own and I have three rescue pens in the garden. It doesn't take long for them to turn fussy either, when rescues first come in, all bedraggled, they'll eat anything and everything but it does not take long for the up turned nose look. The cats cost double what it costs to feed our four dogs!!

  10. Well done for giving George such a care and attention to ease him into looking for a new home. Hopefully he will soon move on to his forever home.

    Sue M

  11. Why are cats so fussy? Because!

  12. At the end evil cat would only eat what she could steal and dreamies (aka crack for cats). You have my heartfelt sympathy. Cats play us like they play with mice sometimes! WS xxx

  13. So frustrating! I have one that won't eat chicken, fish or anything else they are supposed to like. Only the most expensive gourmet food will do. I put clean water down each day but he prefers to drink from the smelly pond and old plant pots!

  14. I think I could have written this post. I, too, have opened this food, that food, here have a treaty, no I'm not giving you another one. Right last chance I'll open a tin of tuna. Yes - they do seem to cost more to feed than us.
    Love from Mum

  15. My cat is just the same. She was once a very thin rescue cat who was grateful for any food I gave her. Then she trained me and it's been downhill all the way. Now, despite having a bowl of fresh water several times a day, she only drinks from the bath tap. Oh, and she's no longer thin, actually now I come to think of it she's become a bit of a tyrant ....

  16. My cat is just the same, will eat one food for a couple of weeks, then when I put it down one day, he just walks off. Then when he likes a food he will keep asking for more and his yowl is so loud. Sometimes I give him a bit more but have to be careful what I give him as he chucks it up!

  17. Beverley here:My elder cat (almost 18) prefers to drink from the loo. my mother says she is a dirty cat for doing that so I always tell the cat to go give Grandma a kiss! Right now my project is to get her digestive system in order, I bought some grain free foods and a probiotic supplement which I hope will help.


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