Monday, 19 May 2014

Dead cheap hairdo

Hi. This is my new summer hair colour. I was getting a bit bored with mousy brown, wanted to lighten it a bit. Not blonde blonde but a few shades lighter. I bought a £1 colour from Home Bargains, used it all on the one application, didn't bother to split it, dead cheap hairdo anyway, at only £1. Looks fine for a DIY job. I don't bother blow drying it, just run my fingers through it and let it dry naturally. I like the messed up look, ha ha. 
I had a knock at the door this morning. A lady has just moved to the village and needs a dog walker, as she can't take her big dog out herself. She had enquired at the kennels and was given my details as a possible. You see, people have noticed that I walk dogs. What they don't know is that it is just a hobby, to get me out and give me exercise, and to help out friends as and when required. This lady needs someone once a day, Monday to Friday, something I am not willing to commit to. However, I do know a professional dog walker who does come every day to walk two dogs. I said I will look out for her and pass the details on.

I had an hour to spare this afternoon so I got on my bike and went to meet the dog. She is an alsation/lurcher cross called Mishka. I took her for a walk to see how she was on the lead. She was no trouble at all, didn't pull but walked very fast, and was great around other dogs. I will keep my eye on the house where the dog walker visits, and try and get her details for the new lady.

Twas the Craft Club this morning, and I seem to have volunteered myself to finish off the banner for our stand at the village fete. Don't know how that happened. Everyone was give a letter to make and this morning they all brought them to the meeting. Now all I've got to do is stitch them onto the banner. I reckon  that a nice border around the edge would make it a whole lot better. I'd better get on with it.

Yesterday one of the organisers for the fete asked me if they could display my artworks in the church, the car body panels. Of course I said yes. That will be nice. I can see that I will be busy over that weekend. What with our cat rescue stall, the chat and craft stall, and I have to walk Bailey the poodle. I will be very busy, but it will be fun. It's on the 6th and 7th of June by the way, if you were thinking of coming. Hope you can. Email me for details :o))
Have to go. Toodle pip.


  1. Wow you have a busy time ahead. What a lovely lady you are helping people with their dogs.
    Hope the Chat and Craft goes well.

  2. The craft bazaar sounds like fun! Love the hairdo--wish I was so brave! I was born brunette, but the gray is peaking out on top and thought about coloring it for Easter, but turned chicken and didn't do it. LOL!

  3. Busy with nice things which is the best kind of busy. The banner looks lovely!

  4. I did some dogwalking for a few years and was absolutely inundated with requests by people looking to pay for their dogs to be walked. It just all got too much and I felt I was on call 7 days a week, all hours, every single day including weekends. Like you, I'm happy to help out with friends and neighbours but I don't want anything more. I was absolutely knackered in the end and sometimes felt I didn't have time to walk my own dogs. Like your hair by the way. I have lots of allergies to chemicals but I need to do something to cover up the grey hairs. Any advice on a 'healthy' way to to this apart from shaving it all off? x

  5. Loving the new colour and like you say perfect for the summer. Sounds like you are going to be very busy bee and the craft fair sounds fab.

    X x

  6. Love the hair colour, you can't go wrong for £1 can you.

    You'll be busy with all these stalls and doggy walks :-)

  7. Very nice hair colour and style. What colour did you pick?

    1. Hi Barbara. It is Extra light natural blonde. Derma V10 Salon Fashion Hair Colour.

  8. Go grey! Save yourself a pound each time. Go on. You know it makes sense!!!!! x

  9. Your hair looks great and I love the banner, looking forward to seeing it finished x

  10. What a lovely hair colour!! It suits you well.
    Your art banner looks fab!

  11. How nice the letters for the banner are. I'm sure you will finish it off nicely too. Hope you raise a lot of money for the cat rescue.

  12. your hair does look good!
    the banner looks great.
    how good of you to help out the furries, dogs are bonny companions!

  13. That's such a great idea for the banner. If one person made the letters they would tend to all look the same. It really gives a crafty message.
    Love your hair. Do what you want with it!

  14. The banner looks great, well done! What colour were you thinking of for the border?


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.