Tuesday, 20 May 2014

My friend

My friend and I went bird spotting today. Wonder what they are? 
 We sat in the hide looking out over the marshes.

He doesn't like the sun in his eyes  :o))

Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. Hi Ilona, the birds are shelducks :) I love seeing them, I think they are very pretty. Your little friend looks very handsome with the hat on, lol.


  2. Your friend looks great with that sun shade!

  3. Every dog needs a sun shade - he could be starting a new trend.

  4. Rocky! What a handsome dude. Debbie.

  5. So good to see my boy Rocky again...he's adorable wearing your cap.
    Those eyes steal my heart away....glad you were able to spend time together today.

  6. That dude is rocking the hat!!
    Jane x

  7. lovely to see Rocky, Aunty Kath sends a big cuddle x

  8. Love that dog! Natalie (not the same Natalie as above!!!)

  9. Mary in Perth Australia21 May 2014 at 15:19

    Looks as though you both had a happy time together. If only dogs could talk..........he is gorgeous. Lovely pics too.

  10. Lovely to see him again.
    He's a real film star in your sun hat!
    Wendy (Wales)

  11. Dear Ilona. It's me again. I've just flitted back to your blog again after posting a brief comment. For some reason, I've just seen your comment for the first time about your troll and you saying that they have a serious mental health problem. Well, as I've said once in one of my comments on your blog, I have mental health problems but I'm certainly not a troll. I don't think the troll you have is mentally ill but is, in effect, just not a very nice person. People with mental health issues are often stereotyped as dangerous or as someone to be avoided. I'm just the same as everyone else. I would love a blog but am reluctant as I couldn't cope with a troll. I don't know if you want to publish this. Anyway, best wishes Natalie

    1. Thank you Natalie for that. I have amended the statement. I have no wish to offend you or anyone who struggles with modern day living. I think the troll is more than, 'not a very nice person', more like someone with an OCD, the way they keep coming back when they say they wont.


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