Hiya. I'm about to switch off the computer for the rest of the day, after the morning check of comments and emails. Spend too much time with a screen in front of my face. Just popping in to say, here we go again. Another email has arrived from a production company researcher, they are making a programme about people who over spend and people who may be able to help them cut their spending to a reasonable level. They think I might be the person to do that. I probably am the right person, but at this early stage anything can happen.
I was contacted a couple of months ago by another company for something similar. After a lengthy phone conversation an appointment was made for someone to come and interview me face to face. A day before this was due to happen I got the call saying they had to postpone it due to having business to attend to in the south, and they could not get here. I gave it a week and sent an email to remind them that I was still interested, and could they let me know when they wanted to visit. Never heard anything more from them, didn't expect to. What I think really happened was that they found someone else, and the 'busy in the south', was a polite let down.
There is such a plethora of wannabe TV personalities out there, that they have lots to choose from, in the mean time they have to do the research and many hopefuls fall by the wayside. I have learnt to take these requests with a pinch of salt now, I have a laid back attitude, it might happen but then it might not.
Mind you, I'm not sure I want to put my head on the chopping block again, look what happened to A Girl Called Jack. While it is great that she is earning a living from her blog, her article writing for newspapers, her radio and TV appearances, she has a lot to put up with. Endless targeting from trolls, bitchy people that keep dragging up snippets of her life from the past, chewing them up and spitting them out completely unrecognizable from the original story. You've got to be a tough cookie to put up with that.
I know my stuff where frugal living and money saving is concerned. I could put people on the right road to becoming debt free and living within their means, but film production companies are making a product they need to sell. They need to be sure they have the right people to perfect the model, and that means following their script. I can't learn lines so my acting is ad lib, it's whatever comes out at the time.
As you know I like to put a slant on things which detracts from the straight and narrow. I like to filter out some of the serious parts of life and turn them around to breath fresh air into an otherwise humdrum existence. I spread the word that life isn't too bad, if you strive to get a grip on things. Sinking is not an option with me, I will paddle like mad, even though I can't swim, ha ha.
I don't know if I fit the mould of what they are looking for. I'll maybe find out when we speak, that's if they decide to contact me again.
Right, lunchtime, have a nice weekend. Bit cold here, overcast, I'm hungry.
Toodle pip.
Economy drive.
2 hours ago
You have your head screwed on OK. Beware of TV companies looking for a story!
ReplyDeleteThe problem with appearing on TV shows is that they (TV Company) are often looking for ways to make fools of people. Once the editing is done and the programme aired a person may not recognise themselves or their contribution to the programme. I suspect though, that your personality is strong enough to resist this and your message be clear.
ReplyDeleteTime to book your shampoo and set! (in the front of the mirror)
After we had a feature on our way of frugal living in the regional newspaper ( done to promote the Suffolk Smallholders Society ) we had lots of phone calls and even the Daily Mirror turning up on the doorstep, but all they were interested in was the sentence " we compromise sometimes because the children prefer a shop pizza to homemade!" I had actually gone down with a nasty cold between the bit in the paper and the aftermath so couldn't be bothered to talk to them. I'm glad we never got involved as the media prefer to shoot people down rather than listen to what they say. Stay well clear is my humble advice!
ReplyDeleteIlona you are much too real to let them sway you into being "tonight's entertainment"...you have seriously helped so many of us on the frugal journey...whatever happens, you have done us all a great service by sharing your ideas...and warm our hearts with your love of Rocky and the cats...
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, yes! :)
DeleteFilm producers and other large companies seem unable to travel north of the Watford Gap. I was contacted by a junior staff member wanting to bring his bigwigs from Japan into my kitchen last year to sample my homemade herbal cordials and other goodies but when they discovered where I lived (Birmingham) they decided it wasn't worth the travel time.It didn't help they insisted on using a chauffeur driven limosine rather than the train (quicker and easier!). In some ways it's frustrating but I've been cancelled so many times by TV folk that I never believe anything is going to happen any more!
ReplyDeleteI guess it's true of any attempt at fame, you might get more than you've bargained for. I think you will be able to sort it out when the time comes. I'm sure you have lots to contribute, however.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is its like any business , they talk to you pinch your ideas and pass them off as there own , I had quite a few area managers over the years that did that to me , be careful what you tell them always hold something back , I think you and frugal queen should make a program xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I think you might have missed some of my previous posts a few weeks back.
DeleteI've been approached so many times, especially after we appeared on Escape to the Country but I turn everything down, I don't want to live any part of my life in the media, it brings the wrong sort of people out of the woodwork unfortunately and LH's career means that we have to be careful. Jack has had a horrendous time recently, she has had to put up with so much.
ReplyDeleteI do agree, stay clear! they will take up a lot of attention and energy, and your life is worth more than that, Ilona. I've had my art reviewed and featured in various newspapers and always cringed at the stupid stuff they said, attributing quotes to me I didn't say, totally failing to grasp what I'm doing, even on one momentous occasion, writing the entire feature and giving me the name of some other person nothing like my own! not worth it. Some people are impressed, but on the whole, better not.
ReplyDeleteAnd you certainly don't want to hear the sound bite they'll introduce you with!
Ilona, I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated your openness and sharing of your lifestyle and philosophy. I am fairly new to the internet, have been following you for about 6 weeks, and have enjoyed you tremendously. I would have commented earlier, but was unsure of how to post comments under the profile section, so here is my attempt. We live in northern Canada, are closing in on a retirement date, and have always lived frugally, and plan to do so in retirement. Unfortunately, there are very few people around us who see things as we do, so we are constantly bombarded with the opinions that say we won't be able to make it. Like you, our home is paid for. We have two vegetable gardens, a modest retirement plan, and a very rural address. I love to see the pictures of your walks, and hear the differences in our language, and countries. Keep up the good work. I feel like you are a good neighbour, and a close ally.
ReplyDeleteHello Anon, welcome, glad you have found us. You seem to have a sensible attitude, so you show your friends how to have a good life on a pension. They will be struggling and moaning, and you will be laughing.
DeleteWhen you post a comment and get the drop down box there is an option to put your name and web site. Ignore the web site bit you don't need to put anything there, just your name will be fine. Or you could carry on as Anon, and add your name at the end of your comment.
Don't be tempted. You don't need the hassle. They will twist your words around. Let them find someone else to try and make a monkey of!
ReplyDeleteOh My, considering what they do to folks here in the USofA, I wouldn't want those people to even know about me. Doesn't sound much better there in the UK.
ReplyDeleteI agree...beware of seemingly friendly reporters and research staff. They have a habit of twisting things around to make a story more sensational. I applaud jack Monroe for having the wit to knock down the nasties. I certainly couldn't do it .
ReplyDeleteOn TV you are here today, gone in just a few minutes. I see you writing a book.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly do have to have a thick skin to deal with the general public. I like your post and all the comments, all very well said.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't make a good show anyway would it Ilona, if it was all common sense? That's not what they want. I purposely didn't watch that other series that was on recently, can't even remember the name of it, but I knew I'd end up screaming at the telly so I didn't bother.
ReplyDeleteAvoid them like the plague Ilona!
ReplyDeleteTo be polite about them, they twist the truth!
They pick up on one aspect of someone's personality or life choice and 'do it to death'!
You enjoy your life just as it is, don't take the risk of losing your peace and privacy!
If folk want to learn from you, they can read your blog, as many of us do!
I reckon all the other comments could be right, telly seems to make fools out of anyone who isn't ordinary.
ReplyDeleteIf you did do the tv do it in character rather than your real self wearing thick rimmed glasses, hat and clothes you wouldn't normally wear so you can keep your private life and no one will recognize you in the street.
You do what you need to do and ignore the media.
ReplyDeleteI've become a bit disillusioned by the changes in people once they become "celeb" bloggers. You have stuck to your guns and don't do sponsored posts. You are open about how and where you shop. Open about your crafts and how you fund them.
Leave the media to those who seem to bask in the attention.
such sensible comments shame you couldnt do something as you are so the real deal and not someone who tells the world how to make cushions for a fiver using a very expensive sewing machine and shears,,,,i love the way you live what you say and dont adopt a holier than thou approach and tell people to l ive on fresh air while they (certain bloggers) buy whatever you want
ReplyDeleteSpot on ;o)
DeleteI think if it suits you, you should do it if the right outfit chooses you some day. As for Jack - it may be difficult for her, but starving and raising a child alone without heat or comfort was surely worse. She is (and you are) a tough cookie and will hang in there because she's got a great job now. Everyone has to put up with doo doo when they work. Your biggest obstacle will be the whinypants who decide you're not enough like them anymore because you've "made it". Onward and upward. D.