Sunday, 1 March 2015

Fancy a pizza - no oven. No problem.

Happy Sunday to one and all. It's sunny outside, but windy so wrapping up is required if one should venture out. I haven't needed the heating on for over a week, so I am pleased to be saving money on that score. If the weather continues as it is I shall be well on the way to shaving £'s off the next bill. 
I've had a pack of six thin and crispy pizza bases in the freezer for a month. I don't normally buy or make pizzas, but these were a snip at 15p. I was looking for reduced price bread but there was none, so I thought these were the next best thing. I don't use my oven, not even sure if it still works, but I thought there must be another way to make pizzas. Yesterday I had a go. 
I cut two of the bases in half and put them in the toaster. There was a bit sticking out as they didn't fit exactly, so I turned them round and put them back in again. I suppose this bit could be done using the grill pan.

The topping will have to be cooked separately in a pan on the hob, so I got two Quorn sausages out of the freezer. I tried to slice them up with the electric carving knife but they were too hard, so I zapped them in the microwave for a few seconds to defrost them. Much easier to slice.

Next prepare other ingredients. Four sliced mushrooms, five chopped pickled onions, and fresh broccoli chopped into small pieces. Cook all this in a pan with a splash of oil, a splash of lemon juice, some spices, and a dollop of tomato ketchup.

When this is cooked, about 6 or 7 minutes, put two halves of the base on the grill pan, I use foil because I don't like washing grill pans, and add the topping. Grated cheese on the top and grill till the cheese has melted. 
Oh my, it was chuffin lovely :o)  I ate one last night and have just eaten the second one for lunch today. Still got four bases so I shall be making more, using up whatever I have to hand. 
Heidi is letting me put the lotion on her scabby face without too much fuss. The method is to lull her into a sense of false security by whispering sweet nothings in her ear, then chucking a large towel over her enclosing her whole body, with her front legs tucked safely inside. Then it's hold tight with her body under my left arm and my left hand holding her face while I blob the liquid on. By this time she gives up struggling. I made a collar for her to stop her licking it off. This flumoxed her for a few minutes. She got the hang of eating with it on, but then ran around the house scratching at it like fury when it eventually came off. I think stronger fastenings are needed, ha ha.

I've made a start on the mountain. In the magazine it is a winter scene with snow in the background, but I am changing the snow to heather. The canvas is shrinking as I sew, so if I am going to use this wood for a frame, I will have to chop a bit off  for it to fit. Don't think I have finished when the whole canvas is covered, that's when I start adding detail. There will still be more work to do. 
That's all, thanks for visiting. Toodle pip


  1. Ingenious pizza construction :-)

  2. Wow - fantastic picture. Natalie

  3. Good job on the pizza and glad to see heidi is doing better.

  4. Definitely a clever way to make pizza, thanks for the idea ! It's very cold and windy here in Paris too but I've opted for a hot-water bottle instead of the heating while I'm sitting down. The rest of the time, moving about keeps me (almost) warm !

  5. Still can't see the photos but your description sounds tasty. Have you tries a sweet pizza using fruit and custard?

    1. Carol, I love the idea of a sweet pizza with fruit. Thanks for mentioning it.

  6. Every part of today's post reveals your creativity- how to cook the pizza, home made cat collar and the great picture! It's a breath of fresh air to read how you enjoy your life- "chuffin
    lovely"! JanF

  7. That's exactly how I get pills and medication in to my little devils. Big towel encasing everything sharp and getting them in an underarm grip. Hope little Heidi makes a quick recovery, poor puss. Incidentally I've just posted a short video over on my blog of Daisy taking her medication. No threats/instruments of torture/big nasty towels - she just takes what I give her.

    Linda xx

    1. Hi Linda. What a clever puss, why aren't they all like that, ha ha.

  8. Mmm.. homemade pizza, delicious and a great way to toast the bases without having to turn on the oven. Your textile art is really lovely, I like the colours you've used and the three dimensional look you've achieved. Amazing sewing too !
    AussieCheryl : )

  9. I love the picture. Great idea on how to make a pizza without using the oven.

  10. You creative thing you! Pizzas look good, I can never find the yellow sticker reductions as well as you, only a few measly pennies off when I see them. Hope all is well, fat dog has not been out for a while as I've been at work. Feeling awfully guilty!

    1. Hi. You do your best, you have to work.

  11. Your pizza looks delicious. I love pizza. I have a toaster oven instead of a toaster and use it often when I don't want to use my oven. But your idea of using the toaster and the griddle is great.

    I sympathize with you about putting the medication on Heidi. At least you are getting it on her and hopefully you'll start to see results soon.

    I was feeling stressed about an issue here in the U.S. And reading your blog has made me feel much calmer and now I will be able to sleep. Your blog relaxes me. Have a good day, Ilona.

    1. Hi Barbara. Store your stressing issues in a folder. If it is something you can't do anything about, put it at the bottom of the pile, never to be looked at again. Forget it. If you can make changes to improve matters, make a plan to do it when you are ready. Wait for the right time, but get on with other things.

  12. I like your art work!! That is so lovely. The pizza sounds great and you can heat the crust in a frying pan. So many things you can make and it;s what you like and not what someone else puts on it. You are very clever!!


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