Monday, 2 March 2015

Torvill and Dean, Our Life on Ice. Book review

Hello. That's another book read, I don't know how I find the time. This is a really interesting book to read, I think everyone has fond memories of that magical moment when the scoreboard hit those nine perfect 6.0's  after that superb performance of the breathtaking Bolero. I was glued to the screen and gave a big cheer when it happened. 
This book is easy to read, it delves into the real story behind their amazing win. Torvill and Dean relive the drama, hard work, and the pressure which came with it, and which drove them on to a long and successful career.

They first danced together in 1975 and were soon winning prizes. The book goes behind the scenes and looks at the way the partnership developed, both professionally and personally. For two people to have worked so closely together for so long the inevitable question often pops up, were they in a relationship. I remember Piers Morgan asking them that in a TV interview a few years back. They didn't give much away in their answer.

While reading the book the differences in their personalities gives an insight into why their partnership worked so well. They are opposites in some ways, but when they come together they compliment each other. I think that says a lot about their personal relationship.The times they were apart they missed each other, and when they each found a partner they wondered if their career would survive. I drew my own conclusions. Although they live apart now, Jayne is married with two children and lives in East Sussex, and Chris lives in Colorado USA with his two children, I am a romantic who likes happy endings and would love to see them happy together in their twilight years.

The book is beautifully written, not by themselves, but by a ghost writer. I felt slightly disappointed at this, though I suppose that's what a lot of people do these days when they have a story to tell but don't have the time to sit down and write it themselves. I must say though that while reading I could almost hear the words come out of their mouths, and it didn't detract from the enjoyment of the book. A book to enjoy, I recommend it.

Not many people know this but I was an ice skater in my late teens early twenties, nothing fancy, but I went on the ice three of four times a week. I worked in the Ice Drome at Blackpool Pleasure beach, saw the shows, met the skaters, I loved it there. I still have my boots, don't want to give them up just yet. Happy times.

The wind is blowing a gale today, it has been snowing on and off, very unpredictable at the moment. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.  


  1. I love Torvill and Dean, I was very lucky and went to see there last tour.

  2. Have you thought of having a go on the ice again Ilona? It would make a grand post.

    1. I went skating at Doncaster a few years back. It wasn't enjoyable due to the kids whizzing round and almost crashing into me. Hull has an ice rink but it is said that it's not very good.

  3. There is a four part series on YouTube - Piers Morgan's Life Stories: Jayne Torville and Christopher Dean.
    Ann G in Canada

  4. Just when I think you have told us everything.......;o) I have always been terrified of skating. I'm really, really bad at it. I wouldn't mind having a read of that book I will look out for it. Debbie

  5. I will get round to reading this eventually, sounds like a good read!

  6. The fact that you still have your boots is lovely. I'm all for clearing the clutter, but the important things to me and the ones I think we should hold on to, are the ones that revoke cherished memories, they may not be useful in the practical sense, but they do the mind a world of good.

  7. I used to skate sometimes at Nottingham. Very enjoyable but we would get out of the way when the music changed and It was time for the speed skaters to have their 10 mins or so. Mad lads. Then the music changed again and we would go back on the ice. Till next music change. Panthers was and still is I think, Nottingham's team.

    1. I remember the change of music at Blackpool. There was times for speed, fast music, then slow music to slow the pace down.

  8. I always liked those two..down to earth and no stars in their eyes.
    Jane x

  9. Sounds like you have some happy memories! I have only been ice skating once, and it wasn't a success. :D

  10. Another talent we knew nothing about! These two are such dedicated skaters, and I think I might enjoy the book.

  11. I used to enjoy watching them skate on tv. I used to ice skate also when we first came to Canada.

  12. A lovely story and great memories for you.I was never able to skate but did enjoy watching. I hope your weather isn't disruptive. Take care.

  13. When I was 15 I used to go ice skating, at the Pleasure Beach ice rink, once a week. Use to be the highlight of my week and I met my first boyfriend.
    There has been no other ice skating couple to match Torvill and Dean as yet.

    1. That's a coincidence. My best friend was Carol and we went skating together. I also met a boyfriend there, he was in the speed team. It didn't last though.

    2. My boyfriend didn't last either

  14. Hello, Ilona, I've not been online for several days and have now just read your last three days' topics.Thankyou for the interesting reading,yummy food ideas.Smiled looking at sweet Heidi with her cone and daintily (seemingly)eating away.Your mentioning Jack Monroe prompted me to read some more of her history and it brought a tear to my eye.She is an amazing person and because of that will be a target for those that stir the pot and have their agendas in "trollville"Blogging has it's pros and cons.Confusingly some people do not respect and are not happy for those that do well in life, suceed and overcome their obstacles with fruitful outcomes.Gosh, you as a blogger, have to be tough to withstand the barrage,and taking the time and effort to share,and demands on your time every day too.Re:the media approach and potential: I am confident that you because of your experience, intelligence,common sense and intuition that you would be fine,moreso influence resistant to any manipulations too.(IMO)Still it's a tricky road to go down, they say.Didn't know skating was a former hobby for you,how nice.We used to go skating in large groups and have outdoor winter picnics with a campfire though smoother ice indoors in a rink is easier.It's been a long time since I skated,skiied or went tobogganing.Old man winter is sending us yet another treat of snow and the freezing rain today,and we had to buy another bush cord of firewood,as ours has run out.I'll still walk to town today anyways,doggies will stay home though.Yesterday,while on an outing,I was told"what does it take to get you to spend money?Geesh,the person said,you don't have a mortgage anymore so what's the matter with you?"she said.Yup,one of the people in my life who think shopping is a recreational sport/hobby and because I don't I am somehow deranged.(big, proud, happy sigh of smug satisfaction on my part)If I can curb my indulgent ways ,anyone can, because I was a sad case, I must admit.Whenever I need frugal sensible inspiration with kind and humorous coaching I re-read your headings on top just to refresh.Thank you for being you,bye for now, D.

  15. That was a magical moment! I got goosebumps watching it I have a video copy of it somewhere among all my stuff. What a performance!


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