Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Looks nothing like me

Hello. What a blustery old day it's been today, and flipping freezing as well. I went out to do a bit of shopping, and look at cars. I've been saving up for three years now, and I reckon I can afford to update my Meriva. I would like to get back to a Ford Focus again, I loved that car. I've been doing some research on the internet to give me a good idea of what I can afford, now it's time to have a look at the real deal. Been to two large dealers today, then more checking web sites.
I am also liking the size of the Zafira, seems you can get a slightly younger car (62 plate) for a similar price of a 61 plate Focus. Another difference is that the Zafira is £180 a year road tax, and the Focus is £130. Still got to visit another dealer, it's bigger than the others so has more choice. It looks like they have exactly what I want. There is a similar car locally, cheaper but a higher mileage. Hmm, can't rush these things. 
I got a bargain today, thanks to my friend Janet. She rang me to say that Tesco had a flash sale on and a senior railcard costs £5 in vouchers. Luckily I have enough so I got straight onto the web site to claim my card. There was only a certain amount available and they were selling like hot cakes, so thanks to Janet I didn't miss out. Looking at the web site now, they have all sold out apart from the disabled persons card. 
Didn't I tell you that I can't draw, ha ha. I have been watching The Big Painting Challenge on BBC1 iplayer. It's a competition to find Britain's best amateur artist, and this week the subject matter was portraits, starting with them painting their own self portrait. I can do that I thought, so here is my face. Oh dear, I think I got the nose wrong, ha ha, and the rest of it. Nope, I definitely can't draw. 
Oh well, can't be good at everything. Heidi's scabby face is looking a bit better, and she is getting used to me putting the lotion on. Thanks for popping in. It's a walking day tomorrow, will get wrapped up. My turn to lead the way.
Toodle pip.


  1. I've seen worse portraits than that in some galleries! Keep trying, maybe you could ask Stan to find you a book on drawing and get some new techniques. Debbie

  2. A lot of drawing is about learning proportions, techniques to add depth and shaping and teaching you look look at a subject properly. I think you have made a good start and if you were keen a good book would help you to improve. We know you have an artist eye.
    I was lucky enough to go on a short course on portraiture here in Mablethorpe and learned loads from an excellent teacher.

  3. Ha ha, thought it was Sue Pollard. You haven't done yourself any justice there, Ilona.

  4. Nope, that is not flattering. Ha ha ha

  5. I have a 52 plate Ford Focus diesel estate and love this car. Drives really smoothly and is really easy to manouevre in tight spots. There is plenty of room for our two dogs in the back and if I was on my own I could probably sleep in it. Insurance costs are reasonable too. Kristel

  6. Hope you find the perfect vehicle for you.

    I can't draw either (LOL). Fifty-two years ago when I started college I wanted to go into interior design, but drawing classes were required. Found out then I could see everything put together and finished in my head, but couldn't get it down on paper. Didn't stop me from designing quilts, designing bags, or decorating houses :).

    You do beautiful designs of fabric art, so you must see them in your mind's eye, Ilona. Talent in many areas, as well as being caring and helpful are gifts your blog readers see in you.

  7. Hi.Well..erm...A+ for effort with the sketch,smile.No problem,though your oozing talent in so many other ways..Glad Heidi's on the mend,poor wee girl.Buying a new car after you saved the money for it is so sensible.A friend has a Ford Focus for several years and still loves driving it and finds that the fuel consumption and cargo space excellent.Good luck and happy car hunting,Bye for now D.

  8. My brother got all the artistic talent, unfortunately. Your drawing looks pretty similar to what I might create. Good luck with your car shopping. We may be in the same boat soon.

  9. I drive a Ford Fiesta, we have always had Ford's. I can't draw for toffee.

  10. 2 years ago I bought a Ford Focus and had nothing but trouble with it because they had started using a hybrid transmission. It supposedly works like a standard transmission but you drive it like an automatic. It was grinding and vibrating so badly even Ford couldn't fix it so they let me trade it for an Escape. Not as good gas mileage but it holds lots of stuff which is what I needed. Before you buy a Focus check into the transmission issues and see if they have it resolved.

  11. Too bad you are not in the US-my hubby would help you out to find what you would want in a car. It is his profession, but jokes aside, he has had loyal customers and referrals for decades because he would never want anyone in the car that wasn't right for them.

  12. Best wishes on getting a new car.
    I can't draw! You made a good effort!

  13. Your drawing has potential, so I would not give up. Try to practice and learn more. Best of luck in the car search.

  14. I did an art course last year and the lecturer told us that all art is an expression of the artist, so I think your drawing is good for a first try. I like that you're going to take your time in buying a car, we didn't and now wish we did - I call our car "the beast"!
    AussieCheryl : )

  15. Well I have to say that there is definitely some resemblance there. I wouldn't have guessed it was you but something in it is recognizable, and that's a good start. But you usually have a smile on your face in your photos.

  16. Great news about Heidi!
    I can't draw and don't drive so I'm no use with either, I'm afraid! x

  17. I have to disagree. Your self portrait does capture the 'essence' of you. A good job for a first attempt. Natalie

  18. I think you have made a good job of the portrait.. ilona i have emailed you today..hope you enjoy the walk, weather in Lancashire awful again today, grey very wet and cold..xx

  19. I couldn't draw if my life depended on it. I thought from the eyes upward,your drawing was rather good!
    Jane x

  20. I have often said that if I could draw well, I might never have become a photographer. And I do take a fair snap now and again, so I'm happy :)
    Good luck with the car search. Sounds like you are very comfortable and confident with the process. If I was shopping for a vehicle, my portrait would not have a smile - to me, it's right up there with changing insurance companies or doing my taxes!

  21. Once again I am intrigued with the differences in our countries. You talk about a road tax being considered when you are looking for a new vehicle. Is that a separate tax added when you purchase your car? In Canada we have sales taxes added on with the initial cost of a vehicle, (doesn't matter if it is new or used), but road maintenance type taxes are rolled up in our gasoline (petro) prices, insurance on the vehicle prices, and any toll costs on roads in the more populated areas. I guess I wouldn't mind paying so many taxes if I knew that they went for what they are supposed to be used for. Currently, where I live, gasoline is about $1.29 dollars Canadian per litre, but has been as high as $1.59/litre. The price can change from service station to service station, but you never know just how much of that price is the actual cost of fuel, how much is Federal or Provincial tax, and how much goes to cover municipal or local transit. The last few years, in my province, a "carbon tax" has been added in increments every year, to the cost of all fuels. The theory is that money is going to help cut pollution, and find greener more environmentally friendly sources of energy. I rather doubt it. The carbon tax is also added to propane, and all heating fuels. Winter is 6 months long in my part of the country, and the closest public transit is in a town 75 miles from my house. They have a city bus. So a carbon tax, and excess taxes on roads, gas and vehicles really hurts here. I see that people in Europe pay a lot of taxes as well, and just keep adjusting to make the best of things. Mary Jane in Canada.

  22. Also forgot to add, that my husband drives a Ford Focus to work in the winter (he drives a motorcycle in summer), and I drive the Focus in the summer (good on gas). We bought it second hand about 5 years ago, and it has paid for itself many times over. Mary Jane in Canada.

  23. A friend of ours recently bought a new Ford Fiesta and we were surprised to hear that it doesn't need to have any road tax at all. I thought even a motor bike had to have road tax? But that's what he said, can that be right? That was a bit of luck over the rail card wasn't it? And no, I can't draw either, I was amazed at how the contestants managed to get their portraits looking just like themselves.

  24. Oh I like the self portrait, ilona, you can call it your own style. I am not the most gifted artist but sometimes it just feels nice to pick up a pencil and start doodling away. I also thought you might be interested to know that I have been inspired to give up sugary treats and try a quitting sugar programme - have been reading your blog for a couple of years and see how good you are with such things so I thought I would give it a go!


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