Wednesday, 22 April 2015

3 - 1 = 2

Hiya. It's been another outdoor day today. In between the dog walking I've demolished one raised bed to give me more room for the 'bespoke' summer house. Ha ha, I like that, a name given to it by Sandie's Patch. 
Some of the wood is a bit rotten, not surprising as I built them six years ago. The plan was to spread the spare compost around the other beds, but I had to move the compost away from the end of this one to make a repair. The two kitchen wall cupboard doors from my old kitchen fit just right in here. Once this was in place I was able to move some of the compost into here.

The wood dividing the two remaining beds was alright, but at the other end again it was rotten. I was able to salvage two of the sides, and I used this top of an old dressing table to line it.

All done, and planted up with seed potatoes. You don't need to buy wood to make raised beds, mine were free. 
More room now. I need two more doors for that side.

These are the other two doors I got on Tuesday, they are patio doors and in pretty good nick. Got the hinges and door handles still on them. I think I'll keep them for the side that looks out over the garden. 
Couldn't be bothered to cook tonight, so I bunged a spud in the microwave and warmed up half a tin of chopped tomatoes with a shake of garlic powder added. Still felt a bit peckish after I ate that so I had a slice of  cheese on toast.

I'll go on the hunt for more doors tomorrow. Mum asked how I transported them home. Easy peasy, in my car. There was no one to help me load them up so I just got on with it, being very careful. Moving them is all about balance. They are stood upright against a wall, so it's easy to 'walk' them to the back of the car, then very carefully lower one end down so it's resting on the back of the open car, lift the other end and slide it in. They stick out of the back and the tailgate won't close, but I fastened it down with a piece of rope and a bungee elastic. Had to put up with the warning ping ping ping all the way home telling me the luggage compartment was not closed. My friend Barry helped me get them out of the car and we carried them up the drive to the back garden. I learnt a lot about lifting when I was a lorry driver, ha ha.

Thanks for popping in. I'll catch you tomorrow.
Toodle pip


  1. I am interested to see how it's all going to look when it's all done.

  2. Looking great, Ms. Mean Queen, I'd love a set of these beds myself, and the bespoke as well!
    No doors found around here lately. The soil would be very hard to come by too.

  3. You must eat something to keep up your strength, since you are working so hard on your raised beds.

  4. Where there is a will there is a way!!! I have been a circus site on occasions when trying to transport things home in my little car!! Your 'bespoke Summer House' has got me in - avidly watching your progress!

  5. love seeing these raised beds. well done on using your noggin and moving those doors safely

  6. Your garden is looking so impressive Ilona. And well done on the "house of many doors" - or "woman cave". I'm sure it will be lovely. I was looking at some photos in the newspaper about "lady sheds" and they really were lovely. To be honest, although I have the space I don't need one so I won't be going there, but they were really very imaginative.

    I have been trying to do a bit of gardening every night when I get home. Just 30 minutes a night should do it I hope, with a bit more at the weekend. Isn't it lovely to be out in the sunshine?

    Cheers. Anna

  7. My step dad built his own summer house/shed similar to yours. Being Scottish, he referred to it as the 'Sitooterie' (sit out/oot erie). Love that name. Good luck with your project. Is it for you or the cats?

  8. Things are coming on, won't be long once the word gets out you want doors and wood!
    Like compost, you have to spread the word though lol!

  9. Good work, I love your blog.

    1. Hi Ilona I was reading your profile, is your other blog stating the bleeding obvious a new one ?

    2. Hi. I had it in mind to give Nellie Knowitall, aka me, her own blog. It was a name I made up when I felt like writing something controversial. I can be quite opinionated at times. I then decided I didn't need a second blog because there wouldn't be many posts on it, besides, I don't want to come across as another Katie Hopkins, and upset everyone. I have left it that Nellie is a Guest Poster on here. I can still spout off about things on odd occasions, without churning out loads of ranting.

  10. I like the name "bespoke summer house". You could hung a sign with it once the summer house is finished. Can't wait to see it finished.

  11. There was a programme on TV called Le Salvager (it was set in France) where a chap made a green house out of recycled doors.
    He was very innovative like you.

  12. Hi.Everything is shaping up nicely in your backyard(garden)and I like the cool name ,"bespoke"summerhouse.Your beds look very tidy and good looking soil.I always forget what a good meal a baked potato and topping can be.Your post the other day reminded me of that.I happened upon a side street in the neighbouring town coming home and saw a sign that said heirloom tomato plants for sale.(no gmo"s)I bought five different varieties and have their names and age.The fellow also sold antiques from his home and had the cutest little doggies.A kindred spirit is not often met and always appreciated .One of the varieties is called "Boxcar Willie"he said bred by a man in Virginia U.S.A.during the depression -1930's.The man made enough money from the sale of these plants to buy a house from some poor unfortunate person who couldn't manage anymore.I intend on saving the seed from them for next year.Too early to plant yet.Am always inspired reading about your projects, thankyou for sharing and the photos.Bye for now,D.

  13. you are definitly a member of "The Doors" now! Don't forget to take a rest now and then.

  14. I was looking back trying to see when Rocky first appeared in your life, and how. Haven't found out yet. Can anyone enlighten me please? Lucky little fellow in any case! JanF

    1. No need to look back, JanF, just look forward.

  15. Rocky man! He really needed to come be with you. I just love the look of that boy. I think you have had him at least since the 2014 Christmas holidays. Not sure about before that but I always look for that little love in your pictures. Gives me a lift to see him so well cared for and loved.


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