Thursday, 23 April 2015

When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.

Hiya peeps. One door closes and another one opens, ha ha, only these doors are not opening. I picked up four more doors this morning from the same place, two of them have been added to the construction. The brown one is screwed down, and one of the patio doors next to it isn't  I just leaned it there to see what it looked like.
 There is a new white one, half glazed, in the corner.

Starting to look a bit good now. the slabs don't quite fit but I'll leave the floor till last. I am not going to be able to fit a door which opens and closes, because I won't have a frame to support it. I shall just leave an opening. I need another large pallet now to add the next side. I went into a place today to ask if I could have a couple which I spotted in their yard. It was a no.

I picked this up today, it is not a full door, but the plastic middle of one. I'm not sure what I will do with it as it's smaller than the rest, and the centre is full of polystyrene. Not good for screwing and won't be weather resistant unless I seal the edges with paint. I like the coloured flowers in the glass panels, though it isn't the sort of front door that I would choose for my house. 
There was four pieces of secondary glazing up for grabs, so I nabbed them. I will think of a use for them.

This door is waiting to be fitted when I get more pallets, it's got a cat flap in it, or rather it did have one. The flap is missing.

Here is Mayze supervising the workforce, er me. Her favourite spot in the sunshine.  
I'm taking a couple of days off from this, me and the pooch are off on a jaunt, so I'll be off air till Saturday night. Not taking the computer, we might be camping, or kipping in the car if the weather is not very good. I'll bring some photo's back with me. By the way, the pooch is a permanent fixture round here now, thought you might like to know that.
Off to throw a few things in the car, catch you soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Hope you and Rocky have a lovely weekend. Take a warm sleeping bag and blankets as its still a tad chilly at night. Kristel.

  2. I think you need to change your name to the queen of scavengers. Such a hoot! Have a good time...

  3. It's really starting to take shape isn't it, i think it will be brilliant once its finished. I love watching your projects unfold Ilona, you really put a lot of patience and thought into them as well as some excellent improvisation!

  4. Have a good weekend and be careful, Ilona.

    The Bespoke Summerhouse is looking great!

  5. You're doing really great finding all those doors for your's coming along nicely.
    Have a great jaunt with my boy Rocky.

  6. This is so cool! One year i saw a parade of doors; somehow they were held upright in a snaky line at the park. Different artists painted on each; they were wonderful! I asked my husband for one, but he never got around to it before we moved. I've bothered him about doing the same with windows for more of a mini hothouse; i don't have one of those, either. Maybe i need to do it myself. It seems i'm always waiting!
    Great job! It's all fabulous!

  7. I suppose you plan on painting the whole 'kitten-k-boodle' a all over solid color when finished....It would have been nice to put posts in to hammer your doors too so that you would not
    see the pallets thru the glass...I think you could do a fake stained glass window on one side that faces the sun for color and interest.....Just are an amazing worker!

  8. Have a safe trip! I wondered about Rocky. He is such a darling. Can't wait to see where you take us to next. :)

  9. hope the weather holds for you. forecast not too great.

  10. Aww am so glad that Rocky has become a permanent fixture in your life.

  11. Your summer house is coming along brilliantly, I love your inventiveness. Maybe when you finish it you could call it "Durdle Door"
    Glad young Rocky is accompanying you on your next outing, give him a big hug from me and remember to pack his Teddy. Have a wonderful weekend. Linda xxx

  12. It's starting to look good. Natalie

  13. Glad Rocky is with you permanently. Lovely dog! Enjoy your ramble.

  14. So glad Rocky is permanent. I bet your neighbours are wondering what you are doing with all those doors. I can't wait to see what it is like finished. Have a great weekend. Debbie

  15. Have a good time with your loyal friend! Looking forward for the photos!

  16. Hi,the summerhouse looks great,you are very resourceful.So pleased to hear that little Rocky is with you on a permanent basis,smart boy,congrats to you both.Have a great week-end,I bet he's thrilled to be sharing an adventure with you.

  17. So pleased you have Rocky - his forever home - Claire

  18. I use the glass from double glazing units on top of large fish boxes I recover from the beach after storms as extra cold frames and they work very well............... Jessica

  19. very pleased to hear about the doggy....lovely

  20. Dear Elona,

    I've been reading your blog for a long time but never commented before. Love it!

    Being a dog owner myself I know how much they mean to us and didn't want to upset you when we thought you'd lost all contact with Rocky. I'm over the moon that he is now living with the one who truly loves him. Hope you have a wonderful time together. Can we have lots of photos of him please?

    All the best. Eileen

  21. Hello,Ilona.Congrats on the new member of your furry family "Rocky"!I was smitten with that beautiful boy from the first time I saw a photo of him.He has a wonderful, loving home with you and will live a very good life with you I'm sure.Thank goodness for people like you-the world is a better place because of the love you all spread around.Happy outing ,and safe travelling this weekend,Hope you have fair weather.Lots of interest and comments and ideas re:your summerhouse and am looking forward to the next stage of progress.Bye for now, D.

  22. Interesting door house developments LOL Have you checked freegle or freecycle, people sometimes offer doors there too.



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