Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Bimbling in Yorkshire

Hello from sunny Yorkshire. I've had a little bimble around the Helmsley area today, eleven more miles in my new boots, and they are dead comfy, so I'm well chuffed. I'm at the Youth Hostel, it's a good base with lots of walks to choose from. 
I've been on farm tracks, through fields, into woods, through the trees, and sweated buckets, it's been chuffin hot today.  
Alongside Riccal Dale Wood are lots of feeders and water pots for the pheasant population. I wouldn't want to be around here when they are scared into taking flight by the beaters, then blasted out of the sky with shotguns. 
Beautiful woodland walk. No one around it's very quiet, just me and the birds. 
How convenient that someone has put a bench here, just at the point where the path goes down to the bottom, with a steep climb up the other side. 
It's harvest time, people are busy getting the crops in.
I am lucky to have a room to myself tonight, only a few people in the hostel. Now I'm going to chill out and read a book. Looking forward to a full days walking tomorrow.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. DH rode down into North Yorkshire turning for home at Newton on Ouse so not too far from where you are staying, 100+miles for him today. I hope you will write about your lovely walks and the weather stays dry.

  2. Have a lovely time. Kristel

  3. This is what I would like to do, take myself to some unknown place and explore on my feet. Enjoy your holiday.

  4. It looks so peaceful! Now that the tourists are leaving, the Mr. and i are planning a hike in the Fall. There's nothing like fresh air and quiet.

  5. It looks like a lovely area. Enjoy your walking.

  6. Nice day for you! I walked around the dahlia farm after I got off work late afternoon. My husband asked me if I wanted to go on a walk this evening and I said, as I jokingly slumped over when I got home, "maybe after I eat". Well he'd already taken a walk since he was home from walk all day because the roofers were here again...and it's all finished! It was lovely out amidst the dahlias and I got some photos. 40 acres of flowers. I drove home through the country which is lovely as well! I enjoy your walks in photos. Take care!

  7. Good start to your Yorkshire walk. Enjoy...and I will enjoy reading all about it.

  8. Sounds like you are having a good time, your photos are excellent, love the selfie. Hope the good weather counties and you do a lot more walking.
    Hazel c uk

  9. Ooh Helmsley, beautiful place. There is a castle there too. Have a great time.

  10. Fabulous! Natalie

  11. Hi, just wondering, as I have never seen same,
    "feeders and water pots for the pheasant population"

    are those red hanging things feeders or water spots for the pheasants? (or both)

    is there a reason they are suspended, as the pheasant prefer drinking and eating "off the ground"?


    1. Having them suspended means that the food or water isn't contaminated by anything on the ground, or splashes of mud when it rains, so the contents stay cleaner for longer. Most birds like to feed this way actually.

    2. ah...Thank you, Sue.

  12. Lovely photos Ilona, enjoy your walking trip. xx

  13. We see feeders like those all around us here in Norfolk. It's a two edge sword for me as the farmers say they are helping the Pheasant/Partridge populations by breeding them on in pens, letting them loose so they then feed at the stations and then when the time is ready are blasted out of the sky by the same farmers 12 bore and their friends, such easy prey too. Years ago it would have been just to feed your family but not these days. I will never understand it, such beautiful birds (sigh). Glad you've managed to have a getaway break Ilona. Rae x

  14. Enjoy your holiday, Ilona! Great pix, as always!
    Margaret P

  15. They breed pheasants on the farm next to my work, they look great in the fields until one week when the shooting parties arrive, it's been known for a number of them to fly into the windows at the side of our building in their fear. Dogs have also been lifted over the fence to retrieve the dead ones from our work property. Numerous letters of complaints go backwards and forwards but it's just awful watching something like this described as sport.

  16. you are living the dream my friend...a pleasant walk on a beautiful day...listening to the birds...reading at bedtime...


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