Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Eating well for less

Hello. It is one week since I did my last yellow sticker shop, and I still haven't eaten all the food I bought, even after giving some away. I thought I would post a picture of my lunch today, everything on the plate was 7 days out of date, and as you can see some of it was 'best before' and some was 'use by'. The rice with mushrooms was a salad pot, it went in the pan with the chopped up large mushroom and a drop of oil. I cooked it for five minutes on the hob. 
This is a mayo and garlic dip, it's all gone now, just finished it on my evening meal.

Avocado's, I did have one which I had to cut out the black bits, but one out of eight isn't bad when the rest were perfectly fine, and only 19p for a pack of two.

Unwashed salad leaves always last longer than the ready washed ones. I still have a bag of these left for tomorrow.

There was four large flat mushrooms in this pack, one left for tomorrow.

My out of date tasty veggie meal.

Yesterday I had an even cheaper lunch. It came in a plastic microwaveable pot, and only took two minutes to warm up, and only cost 20p. Beans, peas, and broccoli. I didn't need to add anything to it, this was plenty to fill me up.

I've been playing with the tissue paper again, this time I used a piece of white cotton fabric. It is laid on a metal grill rack to dry. First I put the background pieces on, blues and greens, then added the sun, and the stalks and flowers. The colours soon seep through. When I lifted the tissues I didn't think the colours of the flowers were dense enough, so I got small pieces of the same colour, screwed it up, wet it, and dabbed more colour on. A bit like painting with my fingers. My intention is to embroider onto it. I will think about what to do with it next, might add some paint first. 
My regular dog walking job has come to an end, Ken is walking Bailey now and he is getting on fine with it. I shall be filling in for him if he needs to take a day off for some reason. I now have a new job, Tina the puss cat is on her own, her owner had to go into care. Someone calls in once a day, and someone else twice a week, and I have a key to go and check on her every day. We are hoping to find her a new home through the rescue. It's snowing here at the moment, I shall pop and see her in an hour or so, it isn't far, across the road and down a street, only five minutes away.

Anyway, I'll cut you loose, thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You have a very good diet at great prices.

  2. Love the look of your lunch. The price was even better! I wish you were my neighbour! I bet Tina looks forward to her visits.

  3. You can't beat living well on yellow stickers. I am sometimes very lucky, not so at other times but i freeze quite a bit so every now and then I don't shop for a couple of weeks for much at all. Those little veg pots are a bargain at that price.

  4. Your healthy lunch puts mine to shame. That is really eating well with no food waste. Yellow sticker shopping is a bit like a lucky dip. You don’t know what you are going to get and it makes you a creative cook.

    1. This is an example of what I like to eat most days, but when the fresh food stocks are low and I can't be bothered to go shopping I resort to the good old beans and eggs on toast, or a cheese sandwich.

    2. ah...

      it does take someone like you, you actually shops these places to know this.

  5. Awww,poor Tina,she must wonder where her owner is.Its lovely that she has got you and others to go in and care for her.Hope that she finds a loving home.Your meals still look great!My 1p veggys from last week are going into a stew tomorrow.Debi,x

  6. I'm looking forward to what you embroider on the picture. The colours are beautiful. I was wondering how to make it colour fast using salt...perhaps a shallow pan with salt applied to the cloth first. It might make it more dappled as the salt and colour react. I guess as long as it is a framed picture the colour fastness may not be an issue. sometimes I have experimented with blackening avocardo and put them in stir fries or mashed them up in a sandwich...as long as people can't see it, and it's early browned, I seem to get away with using it.

  7. I think you are a really kind person to help everyone with their pets when they are in need. Everyone lives their own lives nowadays not at all like it was when I grew up. Hope the poor cat gets a lovely home xxx

  8. I love the idea of adding embroidery even though it looks fabulous on its own.
    How nice of you to always be on call for the animals in your area.
    What lovely lunches you had, too. Peas are not a favorite with me but i’d Eat them if the price was right!

  9. Poor kitty. I hope she finds a new home quickly.

  10. Love the colours of your latest project. Your village sounds so friendly,like you see on TV and wonder if they really exist,good people,walks nearby,clubs!all you could wish for,any places to rent around?ha ha

  11. Excellent.

    Just ran across this article.

    Thought you/your readers might like it.


    1. Thank you. I saw that, it's a non story, most of it is guesswork. All branches of all supermarkets have their own systems, the marking down can take place at any time, whenever they have the staff to do it.

  12. This is great. I hate that people constantly chuck perfectly good food away. Your rice dish looks delicious! We need to use our eyes, noses and commonsense when it comes to food.

  13. My reduced items last week were not as great as yours Ilona but I'm really happy with them.A family bag of fresh tagliatelle was £1 & pot of broc & pea soup for 75p has been a basis for 4 meals plus for me with various other things I have & it's been a really nice change.I've still got 6 onion bhajis reduced to 60p which I may eat with some rice & whatever's there.I visited my uncles home 3 years ago for a while to help his cat & eventually a good home was found x


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