Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Crafty works in progress

Hello. One job leads to another these days. Just as I think I have completed something another idea pops into my head and I have to act on it. I thought the tree was finished, it has leaves on, but there is still something missing. It needs some birds. So this is the prototype, made out of vinyl, but how can I get it to sit on a branch? Problem solved, although it is sitting sideways and not as a normal real life bird would sit across the branch. Never mind, my birds are acrobats ;o) That seems to work, now I've got to make some more. 
Progress report on this project. The heart is slowly filling up with fabric covered bottle tops. I keep adding a few each day. Looking good so far.

Oh gawd, now I have started something else. Carol and Janet are doing this at Crafty Club so I thought I would have a go. Daub some splodges of paint of a piece of hessian sack cloth, and do blocks of running stitch in random sizes, using up oddments of fabric and wool. This is going to take a while, and will eventually become a wall hanging.

It is ongoing outside, preparing for the Open Gardens. The flower beds are looking pretty full, but I suspect I have got too many plants in them now. I am going to have to sort them out a bit, maybe trimming back the bushy ones to let the smaller ones get some more light. The cat shelter still needs a door on it, will have to do that.

Yesterday I called in to see Angela for a coffee. She got a fabulous bargain from the £1 charity shop. A very large set of curtains in a lovely heavy gold fabric, for £1. She was dead lucky there, grabbed them just as they were put out in the shop. She is going to use them to cover a chaise longue.

Today I shall go to the mobile library to take books back, and say hello to Stan. I have not been for about three weeks.

I won't be leaving any more painted stones about the village, all four of them have now disappeared. Maybe some mean person has nicked them, I don't know, it's a mystery.

Now I must get on, thank you for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. I like the button and hessian works, (much, much better than what you did to Michael !)

  2. My seven year old grand daughter collects the painted rocks that she finds around her town...are you meant to do that? At least she is under the impression that you are!
    I think someone like her has picked yours up! She loves them!

    1. Hi. There is a Facebook group for painted rock fans.


      It says when you find a rock you can leave it where it is, move it to another place so someone else can find it, or keep it. They do say that it is unfair to sweep up lots of rocks, and people who do that will be barred from the group.

      I thought the idea was to relocate them so someone else has the fun of finding them. I think this might be difficult to explain to a seven year old who has been picking them up and taking them home. By keeping them she is denying someone else the fun of finding them. Perhaps you can get her to paint her own rocks and hide them, that way it is a fair swap.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hi Ilona, Just want to say that I like the heart frame as is not completely filled in with bottle caps. Showcases the frame that was discarded and you turned into an art piece. Also like your bird tree. Think you should highlight in your show that your artwork is made from discarded materials.

    Gail :)

  5. The heart is filling up nicely and that hessian should look amazing when its finished!...Off topic,I know,but have you read in the papers how Tesco are stopping doing yellow stickers on fruit and veg?.They say that the best before stickers encourage too much food waste..so what this really means then,is when a product is nearing the end of its shelf life it will still be charged at full price?Maybe,ive read it wrong...but thats what it seems to me.I read it on line in yesterdays newspapers,xx

  6. Hi. I absolutely love all of your projects, keep up the good work x

  7. Did I just call David 'Michael' - ? - must be having a senior moment !

  8. Pam
    Love the artwork.
    You would never get curtains for £1 in any of the charity shops around here. What a bargain!

    1. Hi Pam. We have a new system now for posting comments, you might not know about it if you haven't commented for a while. Please click on 'Comment as', and in the drop down box choose the 'Name' option. Put your name in there and it will come up in bold at the top of your comment as I have done here. All anonymous are treated as spam and gets deleted. Instructions on the side bar if you are not sure. Thank you.

    2. In my town, people pick up the painted rocks and re hide them in another place, to keep the fun going.

  9. The painted rocks? People collect them, and some post about them in groups on social media. Your rocks may have found a loving home. Here is a link to an article on the Metro about it https://metro.co.uk/2017/08/29/move-over-fidget-spinners-the-latest-craze-is-painting-rocks-6886535/

  10. Gill. New to your blog. Love it and all you do

  11. You are a very creative person and I love that you use things that might otherwise be thrown away. Very impressive!

  12. Hope I have commenting right this time. Sorry about previous attempt!
    Our local Tesco stores rarely have fresh food marked down very low, as much of it is sent to the local food bank to avoid wastage. However, you can still save a reasonable amount as long as you buy only what you need/will use.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.