Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Down tools and go for a walk.

Hello. After working on all three of my crafty projects this morning, then going outside and trimming the front hedge, I decided it was time for me to stop work and go for a walk in the countryside. Actually, I live in the countryside, it's on my doorstep, so I don't have far to go before I am leaving the houses behind. A walk to the park, then around the park, then back, is five miles. 
I set off along the path which passes the Bowls Club, then the Burial Ground, then the Allotments. It was about 4.30pm, a beautiful sunny afternoon. 
The footpath got narrower and narrower. On the left is a wood. Years ago this was used by gangs of youths who congregated there and did a lot of damage. To get round that problem it was all chopped down, flattened. It was sad to see it, but as expected Mother Nature has claimed it back and it is now full of healthy trees.

After the wood it opens out into large fields on both sides of the path. Unfortunately the path then disappears under long grass and weeds and I had to walk along the field edge. This is the other end of it as it comes out on the road. Can you see the footpath sign on the right hand side. I had to walk a little way along the hedge till I found a spot where I could get through to the road.

The grass verges at the entrance to the park looked very pretty with the wild flowers. Glad they haven't cut them down.

Easy to walk footpaths through the park. Suitable for disabled and kids with scooters.

The duck pond looked a bit stagnant, needs some rain to liven it up.

They have recently installed a new Go Ape attraction. It didn't look very exciting when there were no leaves on the trees, but now it is all green it's looking better. There is a new children's playground opening soon.

It is now ten to nine and I must go and water my flower beds and pots. It is supposed to be raining soon, so the weather man says, but I'd best water up in case it doesn't.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Looks like you have had a busy day Ilona!.When I went outside first thing this morning it was so cold I had to go and get my old gardening jacket to put on ...then this afternoon...Beautiful!!So it was nice that you were able to get out and do your walk in the sun.I think that I was in your area last Saturday on the first day of our mystery tour.We went to Beverly,which was lovely.The market was on and the sun was beaming down.Then the coach picked us up and took us to our hotel which was the Mercure Hull Grange Park.Lovely hotel,great food and friendly staff.After buffet breakfast on Sunday we went to York.Brilliant weekend..The part where you live looks lovely and it must be nice living so near to the countryside.xx

  2. Looks a pretty walk - Go Ape - reminds me - my daughter used to say when she was little -shall we go to Go Bear?( Not a pretty image swinging on ropes in the trees) . They have one in Cannock Chase. Love all the pics of your walks recently xx

  3. I loved walking with you through this lush garden . . . when you live in a desert area like we do, my heart longs for "green" :)

  4. Beautiful walk!!!!! A shame when unruly youth ruin things 😡😡 But such a great place close to your home. It’s Wednesday...almost the weekend for us working folks. Looking forward to my own Life after money lol Take care!!! Tammy WV USA

  5. What a beautiful area you live in, nothing beats the countryside!

  6. lovely views - great to have that so close to you. where i live, i can walk to a public park with a pond - 10 mins away - you can almost forget that it's in a city.

  7. Everything so green and thriving. I spy rhododendrons. They don’t grow well where I live. I have one in a pot which is flowering thanks to ericaceous compost. The duck pond might enjoy some rain over the next few days.

  8. I have been making your pics bigger by clicking on them and making them in more detail.I mentioned this to Aril yesterday,on her blog...I didnt know that I could do this!!.Whos a clever girl,lol!!.Well its raining here tonight in Leicester,after a cold morning and a beautiful afternoon.Sat outside until 7.Ive been going through some stuff that has been given to me by my Hubbys friend,who is moving house soon.Ive got some very art deco brass things,about 40 years old,that I am keeping and the rest will go to the Animal charity shop.xx

  9. Beautiful photos. How relaxing to walk in such pretty surroundings.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.