Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Make 'em laugh

Hello. A late pop in tonight. I've been entertaining the lovely ladies from Hibaldstow WI. We had a right good laugh, what a jolly lot they are. 
The first one of three for July. Another WI, and something a bit different, a Probus meeting in a pub. We'll see what kind of a reception I get from a room full of men, ha ha.

Off to bed, goodnight.


  1. Good for you! You must be a wonderful teacher!

    1. Thank you. I wouldn't say that, but they do tend to listen to me, and laugh. I am led by the audience, I read their faces. If they look bored, which is very rare, I liven things up. Sometimes I surprise myself as I pluck words out of the air, I wonder where they come from.

  2. I belong to Probes here in Toronto but it's for both men and women. My group is I think the main one for the city as the monthly meetings get 200 to 300 people and they always have an interesting speaker. I am really looking forward to this month as the guest speaker is a very famous meteorologist who has been on TV here for years. I'm sure there will be lots of questions about climate change and how hot our Summer has been already. I am sure that the gentleman will find you just as entertaining as the WI ladies.

    1. Hi. I have done a few Probus meetings in the past and they tend to be all men here, but I think it is open to women as well.

  3. Love that laughter and love that you have speaking engagements!

  4. Another lovely photo Ilona!.Is this where you do your talks about your life and how you live now?.I googled what a Probus meeting is because I hadnt got a clue what that was!.It all looks very interesting!And you must meet people from all walks of life.How nice that these sort of things still happen and Im sure that the men will be very polite...just watch out if they start passing a pint jug round with money going in it..cause it might mean that a bit of lap dancing could be involved..but Im sure that you will cope fine,ha ha!,xx

  5. I do my talks anywhere that I am asked to go.

    I should have explained but it was a quick post as I was tired. Professional or Business people. Well done you for doing the research.

  6. Your artwork looks beautiful - for some reason I did not realise how big they were.

  7. Good grief you were in my home village , havent been back for a good few years except for the occasional visit , I do recognise one of the ladies hiding at the back i went to school with her cant for the life of me remember her name ...lol getting old is such fun


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