Saturday, 13 July 2019

Cutest ever.

This has just come up on my Twitter. Amazing.



  1. Really! That is one smart (and cute, SO CUTE!) little dog.

  2. That is absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen. Cute dog and cute 'trick.' He is so smart. Thank you for that. It made my terrible night so much better.

  3. It is a mystery to me how this is done. I wonder if there is someone behind the camera giving the dog hand signals. Dogs can learn tricks by watching the trainers hands.

  4. I was wondering if they hold the pictures up after the dog has done those poses, not sure how though!

    1. I think there is some trickery going on here. Superimpose one film on top of another maybe.

  5. Oh my word, how absolutely adorable is that and so very smart.

  6. My Jack Russell can do this. Trained to sit, lie, stand, roll over etc by verbal commands, then with verbal commands and showing a photograph at the same time. He now does it just by seeing the photographs. He's also been taught to do them by hand signals, when we realised he was going deaf in his older age. He has abundant energy and training him different things has been a good way to use the energy.

    There could have been verbal instructions on the video at the same time as showing the photos, there's no sound to be heard.

  7. It's cute and fun to watch, but I'm sure it's fake. They can do such amazing things with photography nowadays.

  8. I want that little dog. It melted my heart

  9. Many animals are more clever than people give them credit for. What a dear little dog!


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