Yesterday was a button day, as you know. I like a bit of entertainment while I'm sewing, sometimes I put some music on, found on yooootoooob. I listened to half an hour of The Shadows, that brought back memories of the sixties.
Then I thought a bit of Radio 4 will keep my brain occupied, let's find out what's going on there. The 5PM programme was full of what Boris has been up to. Naughty boy has been to visit the Queen, to ask her if he can shut the whole Parliamentary caboodle down for a while. Go on off you go, schools out, now go off on your holidays. You would think everyone will be pleased at that, being given a few extra days off.
But no, not everybody is, some of them are frothing at the mouths and spitting feathers. Not that I understand the nitty gritty of politics with my limited bird brain, but extra days off, whooooohoooo.
The consequences of his actions are now all over the media, insults and trolling are coming thick and fast. The whole thing is like a circus, I am finding it all very entertaining. People throwing their dummy out of the pram, screaming and shouting, like a pressure cooker about to spout forth a whole load of hissing hot steam.
I am quite liking this man, Godfrey has a way of telling it how it is. He makes me laugh.
Weather is looking a bit better today, might spend some time outside.
Toodle pip. Ilona
all things converging...
10 hours ago
Boris is every much an inept idiot as tRump.....
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could elaborate on that statement. What brings you to the conclusion that Mr Johnson and Mr Trump are both idiots?
DeleteHehe, it is very entertaining, isn’t it?
ReplyDeleteI love Godfrey too, always gets to the nub of the issue.
I've only just found Godfrey, watched several of his video's, he tells it like it is. There is one where he has a lunch date with Gina Miller, total opposites, but it ended very amicably.
DeleteHehe, it is very entertaining, isn’t it?
DeleteYou mean when he isn't going around hitting reporters over the head with something when they ask him a question he doesn't like?
He didn't mince words, did he! I'll have to look him up and watch some more of him.
ReplyDeleteI actually Boris, at least he is trying to do something instead of fannying about like all the others have been doing for the last few years.
ReplyDeleteTroll you can comment as many times as you like, under as many different names that you can think of. I am the boss here, and you will get deleted.
ReplyDeleteLove the video Ilona!!...And if the troll is back,maybe its that rain that we had in the night that has brought it out from under its stone?.Just a thought,lol,xx
ReplyDeleteThe troll is never very far away, goes quiet for a while, then rears it's ugly head when it comes out of it's hole. The latest comment called me a pig. I love pigs and view that as a compliment.
DeleteOh I love pigs too Ilona!.Beautiful animals! And me being veggie hate the thought of them being killed just for food.....Trolls could be sent to the abattoirs though.Im not to sure if people would buy the meat because Im sure it would have a bitter taste to it.It maybe could be recycled into stuff to fill the holes in the that would be useful and save us money on replacing damaged tyres....Making into a meat based compost to feed the worms?..worms eat any thing!Oh the list is end less!!xx
DeleteLol, well said Debi x
ReplyDeleteThe suspension of parliament means that proactive politicians cannot take due measures in the run up to Brexit. Parliament during this time will be powerless and in limbo. It is frightening that the Prime Minister, knowing that his own party will overrule his decisions, could be so arrogant and oppressive to force his decisions and deny the public a voice.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Just curious, do you have a name? Please tell us what it is.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletedeny the public a voice? sorry I thought the majority voted to leave and Boris is trying to do just that or have I got it wrong?
ReplyDeleteYes, absolutely, the previous public decision was to leave. I wasn't referring to the previous electoral decision. I am just pointing out that, during a Prorogue, neither public nor Ministers can can vote or make any political decisions. It remains a fact that Boris has chosen this period of time, prior to Brexit, to suspend Parliament. I'm not trying to cause upset to readers of this blog, or to Ilona. I totally respect that others commenting on here may support Boris and his decisions. My comment was in response to Ilona's post where she joked about the 'nitty gritty of politics' and I wanted to present the alternative side of the debate.
ReplyDeleteI certainly apologise to readers and to Ilona if my comment caused offence. I am a big fan of this blog, and of course I totally respect other people's opinions (including Boris's). There is simply another side to the debate.
Ilona, as a personal comment to you, I apologise profusely to you as I didn't mean to cause offence to anybody. If you don't wish to publish my comments, I respect that. I am a fan of yours, and I would hate to think that political opinion has upset you or your readers.
ReplyDeleteAny comments that arrive under 'Anonymous', with no name attached to them, either real or made up, come under extra scrutiny from me. I assess each one as I see it. A short comment with very little substance alerts suspicions in me.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with troll comments is real, they think they can say what the hell they like, and get published. I have to sort out the genuine ones from the crap. If someone has a valid point they want to get across, go ahead, but put your bloody name on it.
Nothing unusual about suspending parliament they've all done it over the years for asstd reasons. People forget that's all. We have a new PM now who's not afraid to get out there and get stuff sorted. I think the EU realise he is not a push over. Some interesting days ahead I think.
ReplyDeleteWell a PM who isn't a push over would certainly be a welcome change!!
DeleteI enjoy reading you blog Ilona, but I'm quite surprised you post videos like these.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you mean by 'videos like these'.
DeleteI agree, the blog started off about saving money and yellow sticker shopping, all helpful and light hearted, and it's now started to turn into something else - occasionally promoting rather questionable and potentially offensive views. Maybe it's just clickbait to get her view count up?
DeleteI'm glad you have brought that up, SalGal. Have you not heard of the concept of moving on, and nothing stays the same forever? I am not as skint as I used to be. I am still frugal, but I am now in a good position to be able to spend money on what gives me pleasure. I only do the yellow sticker shopping about once a month now.
ReplyDeleteMy sense of humour hasn't changed, I can still laugh at quirky rude jokes. It must be very difficult to be a comedian in this day and age, having to think about whether someone will take offense or not. Bring on Chubby Brown, that's what I say. If anyone is offended by something, all they have to do is move on.
The click bait thing, ha ha. Yes, say something controversial and everyone will pile in with their opinion. Why would I be bothered about my view count? I don't make any money from this blog. It doesn't matter to me whether 10 or 1000 read my words.
My view count has gone down from what it was when everyone was looking for information on how to save money. It was constantly at 6000 page views a day for a long time, and in 2016 it went way above that when I was on the TV. Now it is around 3000 views a day. But I don't care, why would I be bothered. I don't read all the posts on the same blogs every day, so why should I expect people to come here every day?
If anyone does not like what I write about, they are free to move on.