Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Guessing game.

The button thingy is underway, and I have an idea. I took a photo this morning, there are 50 buttons on here. I counted them out of curiosity, when trying to work out how many I need to fill the heart. Why not have a competition I thought, offer a prize to the person who guesses the correct amount. If not spot on, the person who guesses the nearest number. If there is a dead heat, there will be two prizes. A goody bag full of bits and bobs. 
The heart measures 11.25 inches across at the widest point, and 9.5 inches down the centre top to bottom.  
The buttons are different sizes, from tiny to quite big. I am mixing them up and mounting them as close together as I can, trying not to leave any gaps.

I will post one more photo later on as it starts filling up a bit more. That's all the hints you will get. This might take 2 - 3 weeks to finish, so you might like to wait to see how it goes before you make your guess. Only one guess per person, so be sure you have the right number before you post it in a comment. Entries accepted from anywhere in the world, and you can comment on any blog post from now till the closing date. I shall be writing all the entries down in a book as they come in. I will give you notice of when I am about to announce the winner, that will be the closing date. Good luck.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. At first I thought what lovely buttons and then looked closer and saw that the treads were making them look so unique.
    This is going to be brilliant, so inventive Ilona can't wait to see it finished

    1. I am enjoying making it, choosing the different colours, and fitting them together like a jigsaw puzzle.

  2. I may follow your lead as I too have lots and lots of buttons. Happy sewing!

    1. Yes, do it Joan. I chose a simple heart shape to make it easy for myself. You can make any shape you like. Heavier fabric is better, to take the weight of the bigger buttons.

  3. That is looking really beautiful Ilona x

    1. Thank you. It will be stunningly beautiful when it's finished :o)

  4. I love the way you decorate each button with coloured threads and I love the idea of a guessing game. When I was visiting the Millennium Dome/O2 building a few years ago they had a large heart picture on the wall but using badges instead of buttons. I took a photo if you want me to email it to you? I think your heart is going to be more beautiful :)

  5. Well I'm going to be the first and say 452 buttons. How's that for a random number?

    I like the looks of it, and a question, one layer of denim or is there a second layer for strength?

    1. Your entry is logged, thank you.
      One layer of denim, it's quite thick. I did try cutting a heart shape out of some window blind fabric thinking that would strengthen it. After sewing the first button on I decided to abandon that idea, it was too thick to get the needle through and would take me ages and give me sore fingers. Depending what I do with it, if it's to be a wall hanging I can add another layer behind it and secure it with random stitches through some of the buttons which won't be seen. Or I might stretch it onto a board and lace it at the back to pull it tight. Then mount it onto another, slightly bigger, covered board.

  6. This is looking delightful already!

  7. That looks lovely.Just like something you would see in 1960s Carnaby Street shops.I think that you are a bit of a hippie deep down Ilona!..Well,Im going to be brave,lol,and put my number now..I think it will be about 333 buttons when it is finished.Oh and please remember that I get very mardy,cry,stamp my feet and sulk for days..maybe weeks even..if I dont win,lol,!!.Good luck every one!,xx

  8. When I am out and about I always pick up buttons if I see them. I often paint a picture of how it got there and then I try and reuse it... Anyway 347 is my guess. Beautiful work Ilona. Sharon

  9. May I make a guess of the amount of buttons you eventually sew onto your latest art piece Ilona - 673 -thank you x

  10. 211 is my guess, Ilona! Catherine

  11. I am going to guess 850. I is lovely!!

  12. Buttons - my guess 532. I think this is going to look fantastic, so looking forward to the end result.

  13. 320 buttons. Looks good by the way.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.