Tuesday, 17 March 2020

A few minutes of funnies

Stop reading about the virus for a few minutes, and smile.

I'm going to do some housework today. I know, this is an unusual occurrence, don't faint. It is sensible not to go out unless it is absolutely necessary.
Stay safe. ilona


  1. Lol..this made me laugh so hard this morning watching this video!.I loved it when the other dog joined in with Stella.Amazing dog looking like she is having so much fun and her face when she peered out was a picture!.Thanks for sharing it with us.Well we are in isolation at home and trying to make the best of things!.Hubby is in his 70s and not in the best of health,so is worried sick of catching this virus.I am still having to go out to visit my Mam at her house because I want to make sure she is alright,so I am taking her a small food parcel down each so that I know she is ok for food.I really dont know where this is going to end,but its one day at a time and trying to make the best of what we have.I have got plenty of house work I could catch up on,lol...Ive got a game of Scrabble lined up for us this afternoon!.Ive plans today for doing a bit of a tidy in the garden.I made a big stew yesterday,with lots of different veg to keep as healthy as we can.Drinking plenty of water as well.Stay safe everyone.xx

  2. I want to do that except it would be a slow waddle and a flop. lol

  3. I soooooooo want that pile of leaves.

  4. Thank you, it brought a smile to my lips.

  5. ha! ha! Thanks for sharing the video.

  6. I needed a cheerful spot today, I had to take my beloved 18 year old terrier 'Tilly' to the vets at 8am to be put to sleep. The grief will subside but today is very difficult. x

    1. Im so sorry Amanda,I know its a horrible time.Love to you and your Family,xx

  7. Thanks Ilona! If only I had a leaf pile I could throw myself in to! :)

  8. really enjoyed watching that, thank you

  9. I really love this Ilona and I shall watch it again and again-thanks x

  10. This is SO great - thank you for sharing it!


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