Tuesday, 17 March 2020

It will pass.

The kitchen had a good clean today, I will try and keep it that way. I washed some bedding, a good drying day on the line. Trimmed up some hedging, filled the brown bin for collection tomorrow. I had a phone call from my friend Barry, just up the road. He rang to ask how I was. He has been busy just lately taking someone to hospital appointments. He is cutting right back on his going out now, he is staying in the village. Doesn't want to risk it. 
I did my 3 mile walk tonight, 8 till 9pm. Checked a skip and saw something shiny. Have a look with the small torch I carry. Two packs of brand new chrome curtain rings. The packaging for the pole was there, seems they don't want these. More stuff to play with.  

A lot of local events have been cancelled. Pubs are reducing their hours. Our pub is doing a meals delivery service, the shop has also said they will deliver groceries. People are going to find it difficult if they are used to going out a lot. It won't bother me because I am used to being on my own and can entertain myself. I am also very good at getting lost in my own thoughts. A bit of a day dreamer you might say. Keep calm and it will pass. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. As we over 70's will be banned from going out so ending our walks outdoors I'm thinking of getting either a treadmill or a cross trainer, have you any experience of either? Not a clue what I should be looking for really, What will you be doing for exercise?
    Granny J.

    1. Tesco sells gym equipment. Look, read, choose, buy. Do what you think is best for yourself.

    2. I have looked and read but as I haven't a clue about gym equipment I've no idea what would be best, that's why I asked for help. Thank you for your reply though, albeit a rather abrupt one!
      Granny J.

    3. I haven't a clue about gym equipment either, so I can't help you.

    4. PS. A treadmill or cross trainer in the house will become boring. Best go for a walk outdoors.

  2. I don't mind staying home apart from dog walks.I did go to shops today as I thought I might not go again for a while.It was quite eerie in the supermarket with so many empty shelves.Still no loo roll but I have a few.Are you going to make jewelry,or a mobile Ilona-I shall have to wait and see x

  3. Great attitude Ilona. It's been crazy here in CA, USA too. Just about everything here in our little town is shut completely or on a few at a time can go in. It took almost a week to find eggs but today our son got some for us. I will be glad when this is all over. Unfortunately I was sick with the flu for the past 4 days but I am feeling better and the doctor didn't think it was Corona virus. Good thing you still get your walks in. My husband has been taking his everyday too.

    1. I think every little illness is bound to worry people now. Still a good idea to keep away from others though, and practice good hygiene.

  4. I am still going to have a little walk each day the weeks will soon go by especially now the warmed says are coming.
    We had a nice walk at Ascott grounds yesterday I have never scene so many daffodils. My daughter brought me my Mother's Day present a wooded barrel filled with bits and pieces to make a Fairy Garden so that will keep me busy for a while. You are like me Ilona I am happy with my own company.
    Hazel c uk

    1. I need to visit that area one day in the future.

  5. You are allowed to go out for a walk, encouraged in fact to keep you healthy.

  6. Things are being cancelled here too. No football for GS or dance classes for GD and they are off school today too, not enough teachers. Luckily we have Himley Hall and park quite close to us so we will be able to drive there and have a good walk in the fresh air. All is not lost!
    Great find with those rings Ilona. I look forward to seeing what you make. Stay safe x

  7. My daughter nipped down this morning to bring my Mothers day pressy.....I had told her that I didnt want anything,so she went practical.A pack of toilet rolls,long life milk,hand wash,T bags,..oh and Flowers and a box of Milk Tray to cheer me up while we are in isolation!.She left them on the chair in the front garden and rang me as she drove away!.It seems that people in the shops here can have 4 of each thing..well thats this morning in Aldi.Although still only 2 of some things.I was told that they had security,with masks on at the door as well.xx

  8. MY partner is very immune compromised because he has a rare disease called Vascultis, his immune system attacks his lungs and kidneys and he is in stage 4 kidney failure as a result. He has to have regular chemotherapy to keep his immunity suppressed so we are also isolating indefinitely. I am going through your old posts Ilona and am going to try some of your art projects to keep me busy, I quite fancy the mandalas to start with!


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