Monday, 16 March 2020

Footloose and fancy free

Do you like my new trainers, my friend gave them to me, she was throwing them out. Reebok eh! Still plenty of wear left in them. They were a bit tight across the bunions but I thought don't look a gift horse in the mouth, accept them gracefully. 
I thought if I slacken the laces off it would give me a bit of extra width. Trouble was that they were too short then to tie a bow. No matter, I looked in my trimmings drawer, and found these coloured laces. I bought them from the £1 store, because they might be useful for craft projects, I liked the colours. 
They are a bit short though, but no matter, just tie two together, and bingo, that works. I think I might paint the trainers to match the laces. 
Something I am playing around with at the moment. Weaving on a pink squash raquet. I have an idea. I see a tree and some flowers. 
I went to Crafty Club this morning, a few people missing. We went in the big room, it was better, we could spread out. This afternoon I took Billy dog out. Just had a long phone call, now getting my dinner, a plate of steamed veg. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I had a pair of reebok's exactly like those, they wore for years. How about some tiny flowers on them?

  2. Your weaving on the racket is very clever. Here is a post on weaving and building a loom.


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