Monday, 23 March 2020

How is the Coronavirus affecting everyone

Hello. The Summer House is open and I am sitting in the sun. We have another sunny day today, aren't we lucky. I did a three mile walk at 7am this morning. A quick wave and a Good Morning to a couple of people in the High Street, no stopping.

Just put this onto yoootooob, have a butchers, that means have a look, if you like.

Blimey, it's warmer outside than it is inside, so I'm off back to the summer house at the bottom of the garden.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I will take a look later Ilona, I have been a subscriber to your YouTube channel for years, I love to hear your thoughts
    and ideas on YouTube and here.
    Marlene x

  2. 5 Years Ago!! I can't believe how time has flown

  3. Love the shed, I remember you getting the award.

  4. This is the first blog I visited today, and I loved your video. You are calm, upbeat, and I enjoyed seeing your summer house, and I noted all the birds singing in your garden. Be well and of good cheer.

  5. Your Summer house is still looking good Ilona!.I would love something like that in my garden because it must be great even if its raining and you can hear the patter of rain on the roof.Thats why I used to love my caravan and the feeling of being all warm and cozy inside.I agree with all what you said about this virus.If only people would use common sense and listen to what is being told them...sadly some just wont.xx

  6. All is looking lovely there, Ilona, as are you, Thanks for this as well as your previous post. Be well.

  7. Lovely to see your garden and your Summer house Ilona. We still have some snow though it's sunny and warm today so it is starting to melt. So looking forward to seeing the green in our garden soon!


  8. Loved the long chat Ilona and your garden looks well. Do you have any herbs growing among all the plants. I am in Texas and things are much the same here as they are in UK. My brother keeps me apprised of current changes there. I read your blog every day at 3pm Texas time.

  9. "We should be sharing"--hurrah for that!
    Very cheering to hear your perspective--thanks!

  10. Good morning Ilona 5 years has just flown by. It does seem absurd that Australia as an island and with plenty of warning could not keep us from ending up in the same mess as everyone else. As aa chronically frugal person we are ok at home for a couple of weeks without venturing to stores, and we are grateful for having a lovely quiet beach to walk on each day. My husband has an impaired immune thing,so we are staying away from others. The biggest problem is not knowing how long this will go on for!!

  11. Sheri from Staten Island, NY23 March 2020 at 22:26

    Just this morning I was wondering how you are doing with all this. Then, lo and behold, you posted a youtube video today. Thanks for the good advise. Glad you're doing okay.

    Sheri from Staten Island, NY.

  12. Such a pleasant video, and post. We are fairing well. I bought extra cans to put in the little libraries that have been adding food with books for people. I hope people are not abusng and it is going to people in need. I have faith that people are good, and for some reason, I've only been in shops, breilfy, with courteous an dkind people-none of the selfish hoarders, and I helped someone find a few things they really needed to leave the store with. My work is in the public education sector so trying to help schools still educate the kids, and child care still provide emergency worker child care, while keeping safe themselves. We truly must all help each other, even if that means just staying put and not adding to the risk.

  13. I am nervous about all this but after watching you on your video I feel calmer.As you say I shall just have to adapt because at the moment I can't take the dogs for their usual walk but at least I have a garden-thanks Ilona x

  14. 3 miles first thing in the morning? Well done. I don't even know how far a mile is, I'm just walking around different blocks here in the suburbs, (Fullarton, Adelaide) three times a day. Two small thirty minute walks and on hour long walk.

  15. Hello, greetings from Ann from Warsaw, we stay at home only I go with my dog four times a day,that's all,greetings

  16. We're self-isolating due to age/chronic health issue. Fortunately we live very rurally so no near neighbours. Plus a good garden to keep tidy and we will grow lots more veg this year.

  17. I feel scared about the whole thing.

  18. Your yard is lovely! You have such good common sense advise about the virus. You are correct that we need to be kind and adapt and think of others not just ourselves. Thanks for the video! Well done!

  19. Your middle name should be “Common Sense”
    You have a way of making me feel reassured with your laid back just get on with it attitude.
    Thanks Ilona 💐

  20. Staying home, shopping, and school closure is much the same here in the states as in England. We shouldn't be fearful. My dad was in the British army for WWII and captured at Dunkirk. He was in different German prison camps for 4 years!! Had his ankle and jaw broken. Life was more that tough. My mom grew up in Belgium. My granny worked with the Belgium underground hiding British and American soldiers from the Germans. Belgium was under German occupation. It was more than stressful. We can handle the corona virus and all do our part. Stay home and be sure to keep the social distancing. I've been puttering in my yard (So. Calif. so have my veggie garden planted), sewing, reading, and watching just a little news. I'm amazed that so many are finding it difficult to stay home and away from others. We have all this technology to stay in touch with friends. Nothing lasts forever and this will pass.....maybe in a few months or maybe not until we have a vaccine. Your garden looks lovely and I especially enjoyed hearing the birds. I'm sure your kitty enjoys them too. Parry McDonald

  21. It sure helps to have a garden and pets. I am enjoying this time at home. I have planted several fruit trees, and am knitting a pair of socks. A great time to be cooking, baking, and reading. It will all work out somehow.

  22. Lovely video, very calming and lots of common sense. Been following you ever since your summer house was a winner on shed of the year. Always inspiring and lots of positivity, thank you. Keep safe and well


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