Tuesday 24 March 2020

My daily exercise.

My morning exercise walk for today was the same route as I did on Saturday. Taking advantage of another sunny day. Five miles, two hours. So what did I see. Wild garlic in abundance, a lush green carpet in the woods. 
There are vast areas of flat farmland, with not much chance of seeing anybody. Eye spy two people walking over there, I zoomed in, they are a long way off.

Another zoom in to get the tractor.

Over there at the base of the wind turbine are maintenance vehicles. There were no blades turning on all six turbines.

Four tractors were busy ploughing. Down the bottom of the lane is a farmhouse, two people and a dog are walking along the lane. They are a long way off.

Someone has dumped some fencing in the wood alongside the track. What a mess. 
Looks like someone else has decided to have a campfire, they have laid the concrete bases out in a circle to contain it. I expect they will be back and in time the wooden fencing will all be burnt.

Litter is normal here. Youngsters congregate with their takeaways and beer. I wonder if they will still be doing that now. Not supposed to be out in a group.

Busy lifting the turf and loading it onto a lorry.

I was on my way back, walking on a track between two fields, when I saw a group of five people coming towards me, they had two dogs. They were dressed in colourful jackets. I couldn't believe it, they obviously haven't got the message regarding group walking. I veered off to my left as soon as I caught sight of them, and went right over to the other side of the field, to get away from them. 
After lunch I had a lovely afternoon sat in my summer house. Terry is putting a video out every day, I watched it while I was eating my dinner tonight. How did you spend your day? 
Toodle pip. Ilona


  1. That looks a lovely walk Ilona.I couldn't go anywhere as it's a drive to get anywhere suitable for my dogs and they don't like walking the streets.You are so lucky to live close to open fields.Here I have to cross through busy areas to reach anywhere safe- but at least it was sunny and the dogs had the garden x

    1. That's a problem Flis. It doesn't seem clear about if we can drive to a place where there is no one about, and walk. Someone asked Michael Gove if they could driver to their allotment. He said yes, because that is exercise. Confusing.

  2. It looks like a lovely walk you had Ilona. I had a long chat with my sister and then I phoned my niece, did a little in the garden and sat in the sun writing my shopping list so my daughter can get my shopping tomorrow. It's been a lovely sunny day. Hazel c uk. 🌈🌈🌈

    1. I am keeping in touch by phone. It's nice to hear how other people are coping.

  3. Good morning Ilona catching up on mountains of UFO'S or unfinished objects,embroidery,painting furniture etc. I find I have to set myself daily tasks so I don't loose momentum.Loved my walk with you in the lovely farmland, thanks

    1. Daily tasks is good. When I wake up I plan what I am going to do with the day.

  4. The group of five may have all been from the same household, that's allowed.

    1. If they live under the same roof, that's alright. If they live in close proximity to each other in different houses, that's not alright. I wasn't going to approach them and ask. I exercise caution and keep well away.

    2. On Saturday I saw several groups of adults leisurely walking who are not usually around and sensed something would have to be done about it x

  5. Your pictures show that for some, life still goes on. What did I do today? Nothing exciting I'm afraid, just some knitting this morning and some walking exercise on the patio as it has been another lovely day. Then the MS fatigue dictated that I had to get some sleep this afternoon.

    1. Some people have to work. The fields have to be prepared for the next crop. Working outdoors and alone is better than going to the same place every day and working with colleagues. The commuter trains are full because the Mayor of London has cut the amount of trains available. People are packed in, that has to be wrong.

  6. Hello Ilona! I’ve been reading your marvellous blog for a while - this is the first time I’ve commented. Yesterday I did some of my City and Guilds Embroidery course and then lots of gardening. I don’t think my garden quite knows what has hit it! Lovely sunny weather here in Shropshire. Wishing you well - I really enjoy reading about your life!
    Denise 🙂

    1. Thank you Denise, it's good to hear from you. We are all going to have lovely gardens by the end of the summer.

  7. I found online a free language learning site, it is called Duolingo and has a vast selection to choose from.
    French, German, Italian etc and then more exotic ones such as Arabic, Japanese and Swahili.
    I have selected Welsh so that may be a challenge.

    1. I am still learning English, not ready for another one yet ;o)

  8. You have such a lovely area to walk in, Ilona, I only managed a short 15 minute walk along the main road and back. I left it until dusk to do it and only encountered 2 young couples in running gear and 2 dog walkers. We kept our distance from each other but I noticed the man walking his dog didn't pick up the poop. I guess he thinks no one will notice at the moment :/
    The day here was spent doing chores followed by a lovely hour reading in the sun. G finally got round to putting in the spike for my washing line...yay!

  9. Each morning I phone my Mam,daughter and sister..we usually manage to laugh about something thats happened in the house!.Then I read your blog and a few others.Then read the newspapers on line.After that a shower,jobs around the house,getting dinner ready.After that Im trying to spend a few hours in the garden,either a bit more tidying up or reading books.Hubby is watching telly,but is terrified of going out for a walk even,because he is in his 70s...Before all this,I had got him walking around the block but he wont budge!.Ive got him walking round the garden a few times,more for his mental heath and fresh air!.He has been taping different things on the television for us to watch at night.We have played cards and scrabble as well...but the cats like to get involved with the scrabble and knock the words all over everywhere,lol.I remembered today that Terry has been doing lives,so Im going to try to catch him at tea time!.Nothing very exciting going on here but we are still eating healthly.It really is just taking one day at a time and remembering that we are all in the same boat....well apart from the mindless idiots that are still carrying on doing as they like.I dont know what part of Lockdown they dont understand.xx...Ive have just tried comment as usual but it wont let me...so I think this will have to come through on the Anon option.....Debi,xx

    1. I am listening to Terry now, as I eat my dinner. The live stream doesn't come over too well here, best to wait till later.

  10. It's been a gorgeous day here today. I did a bit of gardening, a bit of housework and a bit of cooking. Then I had a snooze in the sunshine. We are avoiding going out for a walk as I have a bit of a cough and feel quite off colour. No high temperature thank goodness.

    1. It was too tempting, I fell asleep in the summer house. It was hot.

  11. I spent a few hours on the garden & gave my car a good clean. Relaxing reading your Blog now - thanks for sharing x


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