Friday, 10 April 2020

Take my heart

I thought I might go to Aldi today, but have put it off till next week. I have enough food in the freezer. I need to go to the bank, it's closed today, I forgot all about it being Good Friday, until my nephew reminded me last night on the phone. So that will wait till next week as well. 
It's been a lovely sunny day, my lunch on a tray eaten outside. I steamed extra potatoes yesterday so they went in a pan with a drop of oil and seasoning for a few minutes, with an egg chucked in as well. Iceberg lettuce and beetroot made a nice meal, and I opened a can of berry fruit cider. Perfect dining outside. 
I had an idea to hang a few hearts on the trees on the village green, they might make people smile.  When I go out later tonight I'm going to hang them in the dark under the street lights, and hope nobody sees me.

It's been deathly quiet all around me. I feel sad for the children who cannot play with their friends in their gardens. Must be difficult to keep little ones entertained all the time. When I spoke to my nephew last night he said he is enjoying home schooling his three little girls. They all sit round the dining room table and do the work allocated to them from the school. They are learning how to look after their clothes, the housework, keeping their rooms tidy, and he's getting them involved with meal preparation. They had a walk to granny's as their daily exercise but had to stay in the garden while granny spoke to them through the window. He seems pretty clued up about how to keep them occupied. My nephew is a very caring person.

I'm just going to go outside and do half an hour of weeding before it gets dark.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I think putting up the hearts in the village is a lovely idea! Something cheerful for Easter.
    What a good job your nephew is doing with his little ones. My niece says that her 6 year old is being really good about doing her homework and keeping herself occupied while mommy is working. Apparently she arranges her stuffed animals around her and they are her classmates while she works.

  2. Anything to make people smile is a lovely thing. As an educator, I am pleased your nephew is making the most of the situation with his children. Maybe more life skills will be learned in addition to the academics as more kids take on additional tasks to help their family.

  3. Lovely meal Ilona.I ate pasta and peas and grated cheese for breakfast,cheesecake for lunch and then cheese sandwich and crisps.Those little hearts are cute and they will be a lovely surprise for anyone to spot tomorrow.You have a good heart Ilona xx

    1. It was a bit dark as there is a street light out. Couldn't see where to put them on the trees so I hung them on railings, on a hedge, and on the memorial benches.

  4. I am so pleased that your nephew is such a good and caring Dad.That is just how it should be at a time like this.Caring for the young kids and the older relatives that cant fend for them selves...Instead,where I live just about all the street are still congregating at one house,since about 11 this morning backwards and forwards,others arriving,still there now,..its 9 15 pm in the evening.I am not being a nosy neighbour...they are all sat there on the front for the world to see!!.They make me so angry.Stay safe all you good people who are following the rules,just like all my family are.xx

    1. I just read that someone had a visit from the police for sitting in his own front garden with his own kids. He filmed it, and the police had to apologise. There is nothing in the rules about sitting in your own front garden.

    2. i agree Ilona.There are no rules about sitting in your own front garden.This couple have got no front garden just a large garden at the back of the house.But all their friends and them, meet up each day,on the street in front of the house,bringing their cans of beer and deckchairs.People would have to walk on the road to get by them.I thought that unless it is your own family,that all live in the same house, that people should be social distancing.I just feel that while people are doing this,the more the virus will spread and more lives will be lost.xx

    3. I'm getting anxious Debi as the longer people are not being responsible the longer we all have to suffer.Some just think it's one long party.I have not seen one PC or PCSO walk past my house and I would have seen on the cctv camera if they had x

  5. Thank you for your comment. That's a shame about your allotment. In our village they are allowed to go to their allotments. They class it as exercise, and spending time outdoors is good for mental health.

  6. Thank you for your reply to my comment yesterday. I'm wondering why you go out for your exercise when it's dark, is it because it will be quieter then?

    1. Yes, it's quieter. I saw one other person tonight, he had headphones on, also walking for exercise. I live in a village, people walk about during the daytime.

  7. I too forgot it was Good Friday today though I did know it was Easter weekend. I was planning to go out for a few food stuffs but have put it off for a few days. Maybe tomorrow as I'm trying to go out as little as possible. Your hearts are very cheery. Have a blessed Easter even if it will be a different one from the usual.

    1. Hi Joyful. My Easter will be the same as any other Bank Holiday, a stay at home one. I don't normally go anywhere when half of Britain is on the move.

  8. Far more people about in our sleepy dormitory village , but we are full of RAF pensioners and the RAF and they are still working as normal

  9. Hi Ilona, you suddenly popped into my mind yesterday so I thought I'd just check up and see you were OK. I was wondering if our postie was OK yesterday as he didn't appear, then it dawned on me it was Good Friday! Doh! I have dragged all my toys out to play with - camera, sewing machine, knitting, embroidery machine. The place is full of projects and my dear old cat Uno is spoilt for choice as to which one to sit on! I think people will smile when they see your hearts. I found a big pebble the other day and someone had drawn a rainbow on it with the word "Smile" and I did! I hate crowds anyway and am happy with my own company so I think I can cope. I just despair at the entitled idiots who think it's perfectly OK to have a BBQ on the beach or play footie in the park. I don't have a problem with the police coming down hard on these Covidiots.

    Anyway so pleased you are posting and love to the pussies. xxxxx

    1. Hi Crystal, nice to hear from you. I did laugh when I read about a plane load of rich billionaires flew themselves to France to camp out in their holiday homes. Police waiting on the tarmac sent them straight back to Gatwick. Muppets.

      Yes, I'm trying to carry on life as normal, I don't like crowds anyway so it suits me to keep away from them. As long as it's sunny, I am happy. Best wishes.

  10. I've also forgotten about Good Friday and started calling the pet shop like crazy LOL. Fortunately I had plenty of cat food and it wasn't very serious.

  11. Just a FYI health warning, it's never a good idea to take mayonnaise outside for any length of time. It goes "off" far too quickly. When people complain about the potato salad going bad, it's always because it's been outside too long with the mayonnaise content. It should be served then put back in the fridge.
    I love the little felt hearts, what are they stuffed with? Regular stuffing? lavender?

  12. What a sweet idea those little hearts are.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.