Saturday, 23 May 2020

Playing with my bits.

I'm not going far today. After getting blown to bits yesterday I don't feel like marching into the wind today. I'm playing on my creativity table, putting a few bits and bobs together which will be the components for the big black artwork. Forget about the colours you see here, it will all be black. Once I get started with the composition I will need to get some more black acrylic paint. 
On the other side of the room I've just had lunch, in front of the computer of course. Got to watch something while I eat. A lovely salad today, and yes, I've opened a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale. That will put hairs on my chest, ha ha.

The man came for the remaining two glass panels this morning. I will see what else I can give away when I carry on sorting the garage out next week.

I will venture out later to take Billy dog a walk. I don't suppose he will care about how windy it is. Now I'm going to carry on playing with my bits.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I've never had Newcastle Brown Ale but I'd give it a go as long as it was cold.

    1. I'm no beer expert, but it's a bit like Guinness only not so dark, not so strong. I wish they made it in smaller bottles, the normal bottles are too big for me.

  2. Looking forward to seeing this new project coming together - I loved the last one you made :)

    1. I think this is going to be a slow process. I can picture in my mind what I am aiming for.

  3. We call it Newky Brown..I tried it about 25 years ago,but didnt like it!.I have been thinking about doing one of those back to front canvases that you have done before.All through my decluttering,I keep finding all sorts of bits n bobs,that I keep thinking might be useful.I did try it before,but it didnt work out that great...But now that I have more bits that I dont want to throw away...over the next week,I am going to try and get a get a memory board type thing together and spray it all metalic grey,,which I have already.Hope that all is well up north...or down south,east or west,lol.Take care,xxx

    1. Keep trying, as long as you enjoy the journey that's the main thing.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.