Monday, 18 May 2020

My new look ;o)

Good morning. It's Monday again, looking forward to another fun packed week. I had breakfast with my two favourite men, Terry at the piano, and Bjorn the Norwegian Viking who was camping in the woods with his son. What could be better, beats boring Breakfast TV. 
This weaving is coming along nicely, the tree is attached and now I'm adding foliage and blossom. 
Yesterday was hair chopping day. It was too long, annoying me, hanging in my face, so it had to go. I speeded the job up this time because I couldn't be bothered faffing. The only trouble with doing it at home is that hair gets everywhere. I stripped off to a vest and skirt, and put a plastic covering on the floor so I didn't have to get the dyson out after. When I finished I walked out onto the back lawn, took the skirt off, and wafted it over my upper body to remove all the tiny hairs. 
And the result is my new Grayson look. One side is a bit longer than the other, and there are lots of straggly bits, but I don't care.

I really need to do some work in the garden today. I've been holding off doing any trimming up because our garden waste is not being collected. I may have to have a trip to the tip myself. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Love the Grayson look! You are brave cutting your own hair.
    I like the way your weaving is progressing

  2. Is that the Chelsea Chop :-) I was a bit scissor happy a couple of weeks ago too. I bet the local hairdressers are very much in demand once Boris tells them that they can re open.

  3. Well done with your hair! Mine just keeps on getting longer and longer but is now getting annoying when it comes to washing/drying it. The question is do I trust my other half to cut it - it would only be a straight line after all!!
    Colourful weaving - I like the way the tree roots mingle with the fringe along the bottom. Have a good week, Vicki

  4. Well done, I just keep trimming my fringe, the rest of it is behind me, if I can't see it and it's not getting in my eyes it can stay ... lol :-)

  5. Congratulations on doing such a good job in cutting your hair. I had to resort to cutting my own hair about a month ago too but luckily for me, I wear it in a pony tail most days and my bangs are pushed to the side and part of the pony tail. Your current weaving project is looking really nice. I look forward to seeing it when it's completed.

  6. I shall watch his art programme tonight (which I'm really enjoying) and compare!

  7. I cut my bangs last week and they are much like yours. I'm lucky in that I let it go grey over a year ago and an Amazon order brought me some giant velcro rollers so I'm actually doing quite well. The bangs will have grown out by the time I'm allowed to see my hairdresser again!
    Have a great week.

  8. I love the weaving. Your hair looks great, my daughter has cut mine
    for the last 40 years and I am very tempted to cut mine, I have it short but it is very thin.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  9. Good job on the haircut! I like the weaving - especially the fields of french knots! Lovely!

  10. Been cutting my hair for 40 years? Has it been that long? Center part; comb it all forward, decide where the bottom edge will be and cut. Comb it all back see if there are any long bits, whack them off. Done and ready for the next year. Been cutting it shorter the last ten years so the days of waist length hair are over.

    The wall hanging is coming along quite nicely can't wait to see it finished.

  11. Thank you for using the word fringe.

  12. Your hair looks nice. I have been trimming my fringe but decided now to grow it out. Wake up every morning with it stuck up everywhere as I always end up sleeping face down. Can't be fussed anymore just going to dye it every 6 weeks or so. Glad you are safe and well. Loving the weaving looks very nice xx

  13. Your weaving/wall hanging is really just beautiful. You're so talented. I'm looking forward to the finished product, but it's great just like it is now, too.

  14. Hi Iona, who needs hairdressers eh?! I think you did a great job. Love the weaving. I’m just about to start on a bit of a weave myself - after seeing your lovely work. I’m using a sheet of cardboard as I don’t have a loom and it won’t be anything as good as yours but it will keep me out of trouble for a bit! Thank you for your blog, your cheerfulness and your inspiration. Babs x

    1. Yes, you can use cardboard. Cut notches at opposite ends, wrap the warp around them, then cut away the carboard when you have finished. I haven't done this myself but it's a great idea if you don't have a loom.

  15. I have cut my fringe 3 times since grows as quick as the weeds in my garden,lol,xxx


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