Tuesday, 19 May 2020

This and that

Hello. I like living in this village. I took Billy a walk this afternoon, it was very hot. A kind person had put a bowl of water outside their house next to a bench. Billy must have drunk from it before because he went straight to it and greedily slurped it up. I don't charge for dog walking, it's not a job, but I did get paid today, in home grown tomatoes. Very nice. 
I posted some photo's the other day of a purple field. I thought they were thistles, but they are not. I found another field yesterday, in a different place. 
They are not prickly, look like wild flowers. Anyone know what they are. My favourite colour.

Looks pretty spectacular from a distance. The photo doesn't do it justice.

Heidi has found yet another favourite place, well it was yesterday. Today she is in my cupboard laid on my tee and sweat shirts. Every time I want to check on her I have to do a thorough search from room to room. There's no telling where she might be chilling next. Heidi is certainly living up to her name. 
I rang the vet today, she needs some more tablets. They will ring me tomorrow to let me know what time they are ready. I asked if she needs a medication review, they said they are only seeing emergencies at the moment. I suppose an emergency might be when she suddenly takes a turn for the worse. In the meantime we just carry on as we are, and hope for the best. 

I did a bit of tidying in the garden today. I might have to go to the tip later this week because they are not emptying the brown bins, and I have got piles of hedge clippings, grass cuttings, and weeds to get rid of, as well as a rotten pallet and a dead bush. I send a message to the council to ask if I can bring it. They said yes, Friday to Tuesday, closed Wednesday and Thursday, 10am to 6pm. Could be Friday then. 

7.30pm and it's still sunny. Think I'll sit outside for half an hour. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. The lovely purple flowers might be Blue Wood Asters ( Latin name Symphyotrichum Cordifolium).
    Beautiful pictures, Ilona.
    Enjoy the Heidi Seek game :>)


  2. Phalecia I think. For some reason I cant remember what they grow fields full.

  3. Hi Ilona the purple flowers in the field are Phacelia Tanacetefolia is quick to start up and suppress weeds, winter hardy so can be sown in autumn for spring digging in. It aids adding humus content to soil. It is used in the garden as a green manure. Hopes that helps. Steve

  4. Tomatoes already? Lucky you! Beautiful field of flowers.

  5. Hi ilona, if they're farmer's fields, the flowers are probably linseed (flax). We have them round here, lovely blue fields, makes a change from the usual yellow rapeseed.

  6. The plant/flower is phacelia; it's a great bee attractant, but when it's planted on this scale it'll be for a green manure, the farmer will plough it in after it flowers.

  7. I think it is too early in the year for what we call wood asters in the US. I think you have chicory (chicorium intybus), which is a relative of wood asters. This is a wild flower, but is sometimes cultivated, as the roots can be roasted and added to coffee. They are a lovely shade of blue, aren't they?

  8. I thought they were cornflowers but who knows? My favorite colour is also blue

  9. Isnt it strange how cats get favourite places...and then change to somewhere else!.My Lily is snuggled up in my jacket,like a nest.Tiara,is snuggled up next to me on her cushion...although she does like to spend a while ripping the sides of my settee...I give up now,lol.Heidi looks like a beautiful and healthy cat!.Me and Hubby went for a walk around a local nature reserve today.It was lovely and people kept to one side as we did as we past each other.I spotted a couple of stones that children had left,with smiley faces and messages on them saying Stay Safe.The grasses had grown around them so I put them in the shorter grass so that people could still enjoy them.It has been a lovely,sunny day here in Leicester so I hope that every one has enjoyed a bit of sunshine and had a reason to smile!.Take care,xxx

  10. so wonderful Ilona well done from New Zealandx

  11. It looks like a green manure in the fields. I put it (on a much smaller scale) in the veggie beds a couple of years ago, it is gorgeous when it flowers and as soon as the flowers go over you have to dig it in. The bees love it and it stops weeds taking over the bed .. or field ... over Spring.

    Cats just know where they want to sleep don't they, after weeks of Ginger finally sleeping in a bed, he caught Mavis in it the other day and he has reverted to sleeping on top of a fleecy cover on the dining table.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.