Monday, 25 May 2020

Paint it black.

It's predicted to be a hot day today. Already seen quite a few people walking past my window, dressed in their summer clothes, shorts, t-shirts, cut off trews, pedal pushers I think they are called. I hate those, just below the knee things. I bought some once, so irritating, had to cut them off above the knee and turn them into baggy shorts.

I see people with backpacks, and dogs, parents with small kiddywinks on bikes and scooters, or being pushed in a buggy, are out and about. It's a Bank Holiday. I don't normally go out on a Bank Holliday weekend anyway. Happy to stay in the garden. I've got nice food, I've got cider, I've got a Summer House with a comfy chair, and a nice garden to look at.

I will have another rummage in the garage to see what junk I can turf out. Pull up a few weeds. Give the plants a drink. Might even wash the car if the mood takes me.

Here are the beginnings of the new artwork. Small parts assembled from unwanted bits and bobs. I will need a lot of these. 
Hands from kids plastic toys stuck together, on the left.

These are Christmas tree lights stuck onto a plastic lid.

Tags from zips stuck onto a plastic lid.

 All had one coat of paint and will have another when stuck onto the board.
Whatever you are doing this Bank Holiday Monday, have fun and enjoy yourselves.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. My first time commenting but I love seeing all your art creations. Such a wonderful imagination.

    1. Thank you Granny J. Nice to hear from you.

  2. It is indeed a lovely day here in Leicester too...although far too hot for me!.Hubby is sat in the sun going browner every time I look at him and I have been sat in the shade keeping nice n pale,lol.To think of all the years I used to spend cooking myself on the beach from early morning until about 6 at night,rubbing baby oil into my skin to make the tan even deeper...That would drive me mad these days!I have been doing jobs in the garden though and put my kitchen scrap cabbages and celery into plant pots,cause they were getting to big for the little tubs they were in on the kitchen window sill.I smiled when I read your word Trews..thats another good old fashioned word and I used to have a pair of tartan trews when I was about 6 years old!I was looking at your new art work and realised that it seemed strange to see you using just black..your work is usually a riot of colour!.It will be interesting to see how it all turns out.Ive not been out at all today but will be leaving home about 6 to walk my daughters Labs.Im hoping that it will be a bit cooler by then because its far to hot to walk them this afternoon.Take good care Ilona and everyone reading

  3. You do seem to have so much fun keeping yourself busy but relaxing when you want. You are a good example of finding happiness in what you have and not looking for others or costly things to make you happy. I admire you! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I can be busy, and I can be bone idle, when it suits me. Thank you for your comment.

  4. Another exciting new project. My GS and GF came yesterday and they were so careful were they sat, no cups of tea I did give them an ice cream in a paper cone but I had to put it down and move away and ten he picked it up. I did cry when they went home, it was 9 weeks before I had seen them and we usually meet up every couple of weeks. Never mine it will end soon.
    We had our virtual sing along on Sunday, the lady in charge said there were near 80 taking part and over £4000 for Parkinson's is made.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  5. Have you ever used old nylon tights and stockings to make something ? I have a large box of them !!

    1. Hello. I made a small shopping bag out of a pair of tights. Click here to read the blog post.

      My mum made a small mat a long time ago, I have kept it as a memento. Pictures here.

      That's it. I haven't worn tights for donkeys years.

    2. Thanks,Ilona.
      Looks interesting, perhaps I can find someone who wants them all.My time is taken up with gardening, mainly fruit and veg, at present.


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